The End

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Natasha didn't let go of Tony's hand as she began to sing.

"Tili Tili bom,"

"Vse skroet noch nemaya,"

"The silent night hides everything."

Tony shivered when he heard him whisper by his ear.  He turned his head to look, but nothing was there.

His voice was so familiar, and yet, he couldn't place it. Maybe it was the sound of his own nightmares blended into one voice.

"Za toboy kradetsya on I vot-vot poymaet."

"He sneaks up behind you" With these words Tony is forcefully bumped and he bites his lip to prevent the scream that wanted to escape. "And he is going to get you."

"On idet On uzhe Blisko"

"He walks." A cold hand rested upon his shoulder and this time he let out a surprised yelp and quickly grabbed where the hand laid, but nothing was there. "He is coming... closer "

Everything fell into silence as Natasha finished the last few words of the song. Tony look around them cautiously, fully knowing that silence as never good.

"Is that it?" He asked in a hushed voice.

Natasha nodded and they waiting a few moments for something to happen, but nothing ever came.

"That's not possible. He's not a walk away free of charge kind of guy- erm thing."

Natasha nodded as her eyes carefully scanned their surroundings. "He wants us to let our guard down."

As if anticipating her words, the light turned off once again.

"Shit!" Tony said under his breath. " I'm about done with this, can't we just talk?"

Tony only received a harsh bump in his shoulder and a small scratch on his forearm in reply.

This time the monster did not try to confuse or intimidate them by making noise or going past them.

He remained quiet and almost immediately the lights turned back on.

The prize of his hunt laid on the floor in a broken and bloody mess. His innocent victims laid motionless with their glassy eye endlessly searching and vacant.

Natasha and Tony stared down upon their team and wondered what could have possibly cause all this bloodshed so ruthlessly.

They heard footsteps behind them and heard his laugh. They turned, not expecting to see anything but the shadows.

When he saw their faces and the realization in their eyes.

He couldn't help but laugh harder  as he threw his head back in glee.

"YOU." Natasha began to reach for her gun only to realize it was still missing from when Clint took it. She resorted to spring upon him, but with a wave of his hand, her feet were stuck to the floor.

"How did you escape Asgard?" Tony's anger was rising steadily.

"Oh please, you don't think I'm capable of escaping a prison?" Loki asked smugly, "I've had experience."

"Why did you do this?" Natasha growled.

Loki outstretched his arms and motioned toward the dead. "It was only a bit of fun." His hands were stained red with their blood.

Natasha lost it and let out all her emotions in a gut wrenching scream and struggled against Loki's magical hold.

"Oh come now." Loki said as he gently stroked Natasha's hair. "I thought you Midguardians liked a good joke."

Tony was about to scream at him that taking innocent lives wasn't a joke, but then the strangest thing happened.

Clint Barton, the once dead Clint Barton sprang from one of the rooms and yelled, "AYE, WE GOT YOU!"

"Can we come out now?" Wanda asked as she and Thor popped out their head from another room.

Pretty soon all of the once dead Avengers came out from their hiding and stood by Loki, beaming with pride.

"What the hell?" Tony exclaimed while he looked from the dead bodies and then back to the living ones in front of him.


"Illusions." Loki said as he effortlessly waved his hand and the nightmare disappeared, blood and all.

"Why the hell did you do this?" Natasha's eyes blazed as she looked at everyone.

"Team building exercise." Nick fury said as he also walked out from a room.

"Fight against an enemy and also prank the best of the best in one night." Pietro said smiling.

"Oh, so now he's a part of the team?"Tony asked while shooting a glare to all of his team mates.

"Yes," A new seriousness crossed Nick Fury's face. "Because we need him to fight what's coming our way." 

What ever fake horror they had endure that Halloween night was nothing compared to what they would have to face.

Because no one can outrun reality and the evil of the world.

Perhaps that's why a chill ran down their back as Fury stared them down with his eye.

"We need all the help we can get."

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