The End Draws Near

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With a deep sigh Natasha waiting for the right timing with the piano and opened her mouth to sing once more. The boys and she had all made a circle with their backs facing each other. Ready for the next attack.

Tili Tili bom

Ty slyishish, kto-to ryadom?

"Can you hear him closing in?" A chilling voice whispered.

It was his voice.

He wasn't possessing anyone and his voice sounded like ice.

pritailsya za uglom I pronzaet vzglyadom.

"Lurking around the corner."

He sounded so close but there was no one around.

The lights turned off suddenly once again.

"Staring right at you." Natasha could feel his cold breath fan across her cheeks as he spoke.

"Stop toying with us fiend." Thor growled as he gripped the handle of mjolnir tighter.

The monster chuckled and his laughter rang in the small group's ear as if he had split into many beings and encompass them completely.

"Very well then."

The sounds of brawling could be heard and someone grunted as a strong fist met its target. Natasha felt movement beside her and she grabbed for the figure in the darkness. Her hand wrapped around a tunic before it suddenly became cold air in her hands.

She saw a flash of something, faint yet noticeable in the dark and she lunged toward it. Her body only clutched onto air and she fell with a grunt.

"I can't get a clear hit in him." Steve said.

"He dissolves whenever I try to touch him." Tony yelled in exasperation as he felt a force zoom past him before he received a kick in the stomach.

"Couldn't you have told me that before I threw myself to the floor?" Natasha muttered more to herself.

"I've seen this trick from my brother, we must find the source." Thor mused as he swung his hammer and only met air again and again.

"That would be easier if the lights were on." Tony grunted as he threw a punch.


"Sorry Steve."

Natasha got up from her position on the floor and realized that she had wandered from the small circle.

"Wait." Thor said quietly. "He stopped."

Everyone remain still as their panting filled the air. Thor was right, he had stopped. Tony remained tense with his fist clenched, anticipating the next attack.

"We need to regroup. Where are you all?" Steve asked, sounding quite far from Tony's ears.

His question, however, remained unanswered as a loud 'whoosh' came from beside them and Natasha felt her hair move with the force as it sped by. 

He wasn't finished.

Another 'whoosh' and a chilling grating sound filled the air as it sounded like something was grating their nails against the wall. He continued to fill the house with this eerie sound as he quickly moved to different places. He somehow managed to even make it sound like he was below them, crawling the floor around their feet life a snake and Steve could have sworn he felt something brush his leg more than once.

It was very disorienting to hear him from so many places at once that they all felt as if the room was spinning and they turned around in panic when they felt him run by.

The house was filled with the sound of a soft chuckle before he moved again but this time he struck for blood rather than for fear.

The captain screamed out in pain as he suddenly felt pain ripple from his lower back all the way to his chest and fell to his knees.

"STEVE!" Everyone seemed to yell all at once and Tony ran toward his groaning and found the man in the darkness. He laid his hand upon his shoulder and felt a sticky wetness coat his hand.

"That's not good."

"He's still moving." Natasha whispered as she heard him move for his next kill.

Thor was next to be hunted, but as the monster sunk his claws into Thor shoulder, the warrior grabbed the fiend and twisted him in his grasps.

The creature howled in pain and Thor yelled in surprise excitement when he realized he had caught it. He was, however, very strong and Thor had to use both hands to keep his grip.

"I've got you now monster, you will no longer ta-"

His words were abruptly cut short.

"Thor?" Tony asked apprehensively.

The sound of gargling met their ears. Such a strange sound to hear in the darkness. But the darkness help their imaginations and they could only see a monster beyond horror killing the warrior and leaving him to choke on his own blood.

They next heard something being dragged further away from them and then suddenly the lights turned back on.

"Oh my gosh." Natasha gasped as she looked at the floor in front of her and saw a wet trail of blood starting where Thor once stood and ending down the hall and into one of the rooms.

However, the real horror lied on the floor behind her. She turned and joined Tony by kneeling next to Steve as he struggled to suck in air. His chest had been clawed open by some kind of animal and he was coughing up his own blood.

With what strength he had left he grasped Natasha's hand and was able to breath out, "Finish it."

He removed his gaze from Natasha and looked toward Tony, who nodded tearfully

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He removed his gaze from Natasha and looked toward Tony, who nodded tearfully. His grip loosened and his eyes fluttered closed as he breathed his last.

"He can't win." Tony whispered.

His hope was almost gone

Natasha let go of Steve's hand. "He won't."

She stood with new strength and held out her hand for Tony to take. His hand still had the blood from the former captain, but she didn't say anything about it as she helped him stand.

She didn't let go as she began to finish the song for the very last time.

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