Letter No. 4

23 4 3

Dear Lily,

I hope your flying amongst Angels.

Actually, first, I hope that you're coming back and second, if you're not that you're amongst them.

You were my angel. You were my conscience. You were my right shoulder. You were my crutch. You were my best friend. You were my lighthouse when my ship was sailing in the wrong direction.

I hate myself to think that I wasn't yours.

I would ruin myself before I would see you ruined, but you already are.

You're ruined in the worst way imaginable and I hate it. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

I can't bare it, Lily. You meant so much to me and now it's all gone. All the love, all the hugs, the small kisses we would exchange at breakfast and dinner, lunch if we could. The smell of nail polish every second week, when you decided to paint your nails a different colour.

Everything I had is gone right before my eyes.

Like there was a rug underneath my feet, and someone has now yanked on it and I can't breathe, nor can I stand life without you.

Lily, I can't breathe without you.

You were my oxygen for breathing. My reason for living. And you're gone.

I have nothing.

Isn't that pathetic? How dependent I became on you? Lily, I hate myself for putting you under that kind of pressure.

I can never look at myself, nor the bathroom, the same. I don't think I ever will.

I could move, but I feel as though I would lose you if I did.

Man, I'm such a wuss.

With all the love that I can conjure up right now,

Love from Andrew. 

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