Letter No. 19 (Lily's Letter)

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Dear Andrew,

I know what you're thinking. But Baby, believe me when I say that I didn't do this because of you. I did it for me.

The world felt like chains around me, suffocating me like a pair of hands, and keeping me locked down and under control. My parents and my sister always tried to shape me to be the perfect person. To be Kind, to be Grateful, to be Careful, to be Courteous. But they weren't any of those things, and I wish I could say that I was but I'm not.

Andrew, you deserved better than me and I've set you free from my misery. I could see it was locking you down.

But it's okay now. I'm not here to bother you. I will never bother you again. I can't hurt you.

Please don't believe that it's your fault. Because it's not. It never has been and never will be.

If there was one thing holding me back from doing this before, it was you. You were keeping me sane in the darkest of times. You were keeping me whole when the world around me was shattering. You were holding my heart together when it was breaking. You were fixing me when I was destroying me. And I thank you for trying.

Love from Lily xx

(Ps, I left some pizza in the fridge)

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