Letter No. 15

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Dear Lily,

I can't seem to find my peace with anything, but I've been trying it with poetry. It's not at all good, and it's in need of some work, but here it is. All for you.

I lived in the shadows,
You brought me light.
I was living in death,
when you brought me to life.

I was desperate for shelter,
And you gave me a home.
I was brought into the light,
Led by your light tone.

I was given the world,
by your fragile hands.
Then the world stopped.
And I as drowning in quicksand.

So I returned back to the shadows,
And back to death,
And back to being homeless,
And back to the darkness,
The world is now gone,
from the palm of my hand.
The world was better,
When I was your man.



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