Letter No. 12

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Dear Lily,

You're everywhere. I can't escape you.

The thought of you alone makes me feel like I'm drowning. There's water everywhere, and it's you, choking me. It's everywhere. You're everywhere.

In my panicked state of mind I forget how to breathe. I don't take my chance with the air while I had it and you're encasing me, up past my lips now. Growing steadily closer to my nose.

My nose. It's past my nose. I can't breathe anymore, even if I wanted to.

I'm drowning alone in a box. There's no one who can help me. No one can save me anymore because I'm too far down to see. You're blinding me.

I haven't taken a breath in a minute and it's dangerous. I need to breathe but I don't want to.

I can't feel anything anymore.

I don't want to feel anything anymore and that's okay. I'm giving up.


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