Chapter 2

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I can't seem to shake the image of that girl out of my head. Natalie... she was gorgeous in an understated way that made me think she didn't realize how gorgeous she was. As I walk home from school that day I can't stop thinking about her. My twin sister Annaleigh jabbers away at my side about some nonsense that happened to her at school today but I can't focus on her right now, still unable to shake Natalie from my thoughts.

"Are you even listening to me?" Annaleigh asks, snapping me out of my reverie. I shake my head and then glance her way, "Sorry Anna, I'm distracted." She folds her arms across her just, making a face, "I'll say, I don't think you've heard a word I've said since we left." We turn and start up the stairs of our apartment building as I answer, "Sorry Anna, really, it's just.... I don't know."

She looks at me sideways, studying my face, "Okay, who is she?" I look at her, appalled that she knew it was a girl from just one look. "Oh don't look so surprised Brad, the last time you had that look on your face was when you met Jezabelle." I frown, "Don't even go there." I grumble.

Annaleigh laughs and we keep walking up the three flights of stairs to our apartment. "Okay fine, you win, it is a girl." I sigh loudly before continuing. "Her name's Natalie and we literally ran into each other today when I was late for 3rd period. She dropped all her books and I helped her pick them up. Gosh, Anna, she was gorgeous, and she seemed really down to earth, I can't seem to get her out of my head."

"Wait, Natalie Castellano?" Annaleigh asked. I shrugged, "I didn't catch her last name just her first, I'm pretty sure she's in our grade." Annaleigh shook her head, "Did she have long brown hair and big grey eyes?" I nodded as Annaleigh unlocked our apartment door, "Then yes it's Natalie Castellano. Her parents are incredibly rich." I shake my head again, stepping into the apartment and dropping my bag on the floor, "I don't care about that Anna, she was beautiful and I can't seem to get her out of my head."

Annaleigh disappeared into our shared bedroom for a moment before coming back in a pair of sweats, "Just don't get your hopes up that she'll even give you the time of day. Rich people can be real snobs, trust me." I plopped down on the couch and flipped the tv on, "I know Anna but she seemed.... I don't know.... different somehow, her aura was different."

Anna came and sat down next to me, putting her head on my shoulder. "I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." I leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Don't worry Anna, I'll be careful." She nods, closing her eyes and promptly falling asleep on my shoulder. My thoughts begin to wander and not surprisingly, I find myself thinking about Natalie and wondering when I'll get to see her again, if ever.


After school the next day I'm wandering the hallways trying to find my history teacher to ask him a question while I wait for Annaleigh to get done with dance practice. I step into the history classroom, calling out his name as I do, "Mr. Stelton?"

"He's not in here," A voice from the back of the classroom says, "I think he already left for the day." I scan the back of the room and my eyes meet her striking grey eyes. Natalie... my heart leaps at the thought of getting to talk to her again. I notice her studying me from her seat in the corner, books piled on the table next to her and a map spread out off to her left.

"It's uh, Natalie right?" I ask, hoping to start a conversation though it's already a bit awkward. "Yes," she laughs a little, "I was wondering if you'd remember me from yesterday." She gives me an easy smile and I return it with one of my own. "So what are you doing, homework?" I ask, stepping towards her a little. She looks at the books in front of her and shakes her head, "No, it's not homework, I'm reading about Cano Cristales, Colombia. It's in South America and I'd love to go there."

I take another step towards her, "Do you like to travel?" I ask her, watching as her eyes light up a little, "Oh, I love to travel. I want to explore the word and write about it. I think that there's so much beauty and wonder yet to be discovered." I smile, loving how animated she's getting, talking about something she's obviously passionate about.

"That's really cool, you obviously love it." She smiles widely, "I think "love it" would be an understatement." She says with a laugh. I laugh too and slip into the desk beside her. "Why are you still here?" she asks me as I set down the paper I had in my hand. "I'm waiting for my sister to get out of dance practice. She doesn't like walking home alone. What about you?" She sighs and closes the book she's reading and angling her body so that she's facing me. "I'm avoiding home." I don't respond, sensing that she's going to tell me more, "My father's never home and my mother thinks I was a mistake so I try to avoid the house as much as possible." She says, quietly.

"I'm sure that's not true." I say, reaching out and touching her arm. She looks up, "Trust me it is." I stare into her eyes, they're a beautiful grey-green color. We both seem to lean forward a little, "How could someone so beautiful be a mistake?" I whisper, watching a small smile tug at the corners of her lips.

"Brad are you ready to gooo....." We both jerk backwards at the sound of Annaleigh's voice. I shoot her a look, mad that she interrupted whatever was about to happen, and then look back at Natalie. Her cheeks are red as she gathers her books and puts them in her bag before standing up. "It was uh, great talking to you." She says, beginning to maneuver through the desks. I jump and follow after her. "Yeah, you too, see you around?"

She glances back at me and smiles, "Yeah, see you around Bradley." With that she disappears out the door, leaving me with Annaleigh. "What was that?" She asks, raising her eyebrows, a smirk on her face. I shove her as I walk outside. She laughs as she hurries to catch up. "She seems pretty cool you know." I grin widely and toss me arm over her shoulder, "Thanks sis." She laughs, "Anytime Brad, anytime."

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