Chapter 4

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I walk into the auditorium, scanning the audience for my parents. It takes me a minute but finally I see them and head over. I take the seat next to my mother and she smiles at me. "It's about to start, you were almost late." As soon as she says this the lights dim and the first group appears on stage.

The music comes booming over the speakers seconds later and they start to dance. I've been to enough of these to know that they're pretty good. Group after group came on stage and dance until finally our school's team was up.

They did a routine to "Heartbeat song" by Kelly Clarkson. It was pretty good but that wasn't the dance I wanted to see. Annaleigh was dancing a solo today and was super nervous about it.

A few minutes after our team went on the solo division began. I was totally engrossed in watching one of the girls perform that it took me a minute to realize that someone was calling my name. I turned and saw Jessica, one of Annaleigh's friends standing in the aisle. She gestured for me to follow her so I did. When we reached the lobby she turned around and waited for me to come closer.

"Annaleigh's freaking out and none of us can calm her down. I figured that you were probably her best bet." I nodded, "She's on in 20 minutes, follow me." She says, turning back around and hurrying down the hall. After a couple of twists and turns she pushes open a door and we enter into a long hallway behind the stage.

After another couple moments we reach the door to the dressing room and go in. Most of the team is scattered around the room talking quietly with one another but my eyes are immediately drawn to Annaleigh.

She's pacing back and forth, rubbing her hands over her arms like you might do if you were cold. I know she's not cold though, she only does that when she's nervous. I go over and grab her shoulders from behind, spinning her around to face me.

She looks up at me, eyes flitting and nervous, looking like she might cry. "Breath Anna, breath." She takes a couple shaking breaths and I slowly feel her start to relax. "Good, now listen to me. You've got this, you don't need to be nervous. You are an incredible dancer and I've watched you practice this a thousand times. You could dance it backwards and forwards. So you're going to go out there and forget about everyone else. You're going to pretend that it's just you... you and the music, understand?"

She nods, eyes wide but I can already tell that she's more relaxed than she was earlier. "Good, now go out there and kill it." Finally she cracks a smile. She steps forward and wraps her arms around me, I hug her as she murmurs into my chest, "Thank you Brad." I smile and kiss the top of her head, "Anytime sis, anytime."

After another couple of minutes I head back out and take my seat in the audience. Soon after, Annaleigh comes on stage. The lights are dim as the music begins and she starts to dance. At first I can tell that she's nervous but she soon loses herself in the music and starts to really dance and it's beautiful.

I head out into the lobby during the break between the dances and awards. I'm just milling around, stretching my legs when I see her. Already her features are becoming familiar to me. I walk over and call her name. "Natalie." She turns and her face brightens into a smile.

"Hi!" She says brightly, "What are you doing here?" I smile too, "My sister's on the dance team, what about you?" She fiddles with a button on her shirt as she replies, "My best friend Gracen is on the dance team too, did your sister do a solo?" I nod, "Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade."

"I thought so, she looks like you." I laugh, "We're twins." A look of surprise flashes across her face, "Oh, well then," She laughs, "She was really good by the way, I love how she kind of becomes one with the music." I nod, that's something I've always loved about the way Annaleigh dances.

"So, uh, there's something I want to ask you." Natalie says, still fiddling with the button on her shirt. I raise my eyebrows, "What?" She blushes, "Okay, I hardly know you so don't feel bad if you have to say no but um, I have to go to this gala thing Friday night and my mother wants me to bring a date so, uh I was wondering if you're doing anything on Friday night?"

I stare at her for a moment and then grin, "I've never been to a gala before but, there's a first for everything, right?" She nods, giving me a small smile, "I'd love to go with you Natalie, I'd really like to get to know you, you seem like a really interesting girl." A look of relief flashes across her face, "Me too, I really want to get to know you. I'm so glad you can go."

She's interrupted by someone calling her name. "Oh, I've got to go but here," She pulls out a pen and scribbles her number on my hand, "Text me and I'll send you the deets about this gala." She glances over her shoulder, "Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver. I've got to go but I'll see you Friday." I nod, "Yeah see you Friday," I say but she's already walking away, leaving me wondering what I've just gotten myself into.

Against the Oddsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن