Chapter 7

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After we're done eating we exit the diner and walk towards central park. We keep up a light and easy conversation as we enter the park and wind our way down the paths. We reach a bridge, illuminated by street lights. It's a beautiful spot and we stop in the middle of the bridge.

Natalie leans over the railing and stares at the water below. She stands up and looks at me with a smile. She looks beautiful and there's nothing I want more than to kiss her. She raises her eyebrows at me, "What?" She asks, still smiling. I shake my head, giving her a smile of my own while taking a slight step towards her, "Just thinking." I reply.

"About what?" She asks. I take another step forward and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close. "This." I say before cupping her face with my hand and kissing her.

You know that saying about sparks flying? Well, that's definitely what happened when I kissed her. It was perfect, our lips seemed to meld together for a brief moment before she pulled away.

She smiled at me, "Bradley," she whispers. I shake my head, "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that all evening." She leans forward and kisses me again quickly but with the same passion. "Me too." She says, smiling widely.


"You kissed her?" Annaleigh asked for the hundredth time, she seemed to still be in shock after I told her the story. "Yes," I repeat in a frustrated tone. Annaleigh looks up at me her eyes wide, "I want to meet her."

I raise my eyebrows, "What? Why?" She glowers, "Well, if she's worth kissing then she obviously means something to you so, yes Brad, I want to meet her." I laugh for a moment before pondering her request. Am I ready to bring Natalie home to my family? Am I ready to open up that part of my life to her? Am I ready to take it to the next level because that's kind of what that is?

I stare at Annaleigh for a moment longer, "Not yet Anna, I want to get to know her a little more. I want to make sure that this is for real first." Anna nods and looks down at her lap for a moment before changing the subject, "I started a new dance today. It's really pretty but it's a duet so I'm dancing with Matt."

She launches into detail about her new dance as I lay back onto the pillows behind me and slowly drift off into a daydream before being slowly lulled to sleep by the sounds of my sister's voice.


On Monday I walk into school and head to my locker to drop some things off before I start towards Natalie's locker. When I round the corner I spot Natalie putting a couple of books away and I see that she's talking to someone.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her from behind. That's when I see who she's talking to. Annaleigh is standing in front of her a big smile on her face. She winks at me and I hear Natalie laugh in my arms. "Bradley, your sister is really nice. She was telling me about you."

I glare at Annaleigh for a moment, "Good things I hope." I reply, still glaring at Anna. "Only of course Brad." Annaleigh says with another wink, "I'll leave you two alone but I just wanted to introduce myself." Anna says, throwing another smile at Natalie before turning and walking off down the hall.

Natalie turns around and faces me, a smile lighting up her face. "Your sister really is awesome. She's super pretty too, you guys look alike you know." I force a laugh, "I've heard that once or twice before." She smiles again, "Well, I've got to go but I'll see you later." Natalie says, stretching up and kissing my cheek.

I watch her walk down the hallway, still pissed at Annaleigh. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Who was that?" I turn and find my best friend Jake standing next to me. "Uh, her name's Natalie." Jake raises his eyebrows, "So what's up with you too?" I shrugged as we started walking down the hall. "I don't know, we went out and everything but I don't know."

"Dude the way you were just looking at her. I think there's something there." I glance over at him as we enter 1st period, "Did you at least kiss her?" Jake asks, I can't help the grin that creeps onto my face, "Yeah.... I did." Jake just laughs, "Dude you're whipped," I punch his arm, "Shut up." He just laughs again, "I'm happy for ya man, you deserve someone good, I mean we all know the last girl wasn't.... good I mean. I'll bet she's nice dude, she looks nice...." I cut him off, "Jake, shut up."

He laughs again, "Sorry, rambling, really though, she seems cool." I laugh as Mrs. Cummerton enters the room. "Okay class, let's get started, if you'll get out the worksheet we started yesterday." I don't hear anything after that as I zone out into a daydream.


A/N: Sorry it's been forever since I updated this, I've had a little bit of writer's block and then I've been crazy busy with homework and other stuff. Hopefully it won't be so long before I update again but we shall see! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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