Chapter 3

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I met Gracen at Macy's with my mom's
credit card. "So what's our goal today?" Gracen asks as we start down the sidewalk. "Cocktail dress for some event my parents are making me go to Friday." She nods and pushes open the door, we head immediately for the dresses floor, quickly beginning our search.

    Between the two of us we pull about 20 dresses and head back to the fitting room to try them on. The first few are total busts, none of them seem to fit me right. Then I pull on the next dress, it had a white top with thick, jeweled straps. A thick black band went around the middle, separating the top from the bottom which flowed into pale pink ruffles.

    It fit me perfectly and as soon as I put it on I knew it was the one. I stepped out of the dressing room and Gracen gasped. "Oh yes, that's the one. Gosh that dress is gorgeous Natalie." I twirl in a circle and then look in the mirror off to my right. I nod, "Yes this is definitely it." We admire the dress for a few more moments and then I go back and take it off.

    We buy the dress and then walk down the street to Starbucks. We place our orders and then find a table. "So you'll never guess who came into Mr. Stelton's room today while I was in there?" She twirls her straw around in the drink and shrugs, "Who?" She asks. I grin and take a sip of my Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, "Bradley," She gasps, "As in the really cute guy you ran into yesterday?" I nod enthusiastically, "The one and only, it turns out he's actually a really nice, down to earth guy."

"I was so right, this is just like the beginning of an epic romance." I shake my head at her and laugh, she glowers, "When you fall in love with him I'm just going to say I told you so." I roll my eyes but secretly, I kind of hope she's right, Bradley is really cute and he seems really nice. Like the kind of boy that you slowly get to know and fall in love with all at the same time.


Later that night my mother comes in my room, "Did you get a dress today?" She asks, standing awkwardly in the doorway. I nod but don't look up from my laptop, instead continuing to add a section of my blog about Cano Cristales, Colombia. I keep a blog about the places I read and learn about. "Well, can I see it?" She asks, I shrug and point to the bag by my desk, "It's right there." I respond, still not looking up.

    She goes over and pulls it out of the bag, "Well this will certainly work." She says, not, this is beautiful, good job Natalie, just this will work. I sigh at how much she doesn't care, "Yeah, can't wait." I mumble. She doesn't pick up on my sarcasm and after another few moments of awkward small talk she finally leaves.

    I sigh loudly and press upload on my blog, wondering how someone can care so little. I shut my laptop and flop back onto my pillows. It doesn't take long before I'm out, completely exhausted after today.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short and fillerish!

Against the OddsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora