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"It is I," Evangeline stated calmly, as if I was secure in the every detail of her existence, and she had never lied to me.

"Why are you not attending finishing school?" I asked. Something simply did not act up.

"I assume you two know each other?" Finnegan asked from beside me. I walked closer to Evangeline, my sword still pointed at the others. If any of them dared move, I was prepared to protect myself and any others who need be.

Evangeline raised her delicate eyebrow and whispered something to a man next to her. He nodded, and stepped towards Finnegan. The tip of my sword followed his movement.

"Cordelia," Evangeline whispered. "It is not safe for you here."

I looked over at her, and she showed me a similar necklace to the one I had, now empty of fairy dust. This one was full to the brim of the sparkling powder.

"Leave, and do not return. Use the dust to heal his leg, and do not ever pass this part of the forest again."

I stared at her. "Will you not return home? Why did you leave us?"

"I shall not. Cordelia, I was never anyone before I joined them. I do not apologize for this, but I hope you will find the same belonging somewhere. Trust in me, Cordelia, and go." Evangeline turned to the others.

I walked back to Finnegan's side, sword remaining drawn. Was Evangeline trying to protect me?

The woman whom had I assumed to be the leader stepped forward, her footsteps making no noise on the forest ground. She looked behind confidently, as if showing the other figures how to act.

She spoke abruptly, yet her voice melded with the silence of the forest. "The cursed one will have fall on his own demise soon enough. Spare him, and kill the girl."

I refused to back away, even when the seven started to walk towards me. I tried to make eye contact with Evangeline: to beg her not to let me die. I could fight them off, but something told me they had some kind of advantage I did not.

Evangeline's eyes were cold, and showed no hint of recognition. I took a single step back. Become aware of his presence next to me, I turned to Finnegan. "Do something!" I begged him.

He looked directly into my eyes, almost apologizing for what he was about to do.

All of the figures raised their hands out, palms up, and a small stream of silver fluid seemed to float into the air around us. How did they manage that?

We were all suddenly distracted by a blinding golden light. I looked to my right, and noticed Finnegan disappearing into the light and emerging as a dragon. My heart started racing.

The dragon-- Finnegan --looked over at me, as if telling me to hop on. My eyes went wide, but I looked over at the figures surrounding us.

This was a bad situation to be in. I had a choice: die at the hands of my sister, or possibly die at the hands of a dragon. I could not bear to watch my sister's cold eyes as her and her colleagues destroyed me.

I grabbed on the scaly back and hoisted myself up, trying to think I was merely on a horse, not Finnegan or a dragon's back. Finnegan leapt into the air and beat his powerful wings. Within seconds, we were air bound.

The forest became miles beneath us, and I clung closer to his scaly back. Flying might have been terrifying, but I somewhat enjoyed the freedom it invoked. Yet, it felt too powerful. I reached for my sword, as if holding it would prevent me from falling or from Finnegan knocking me off.

The Dragons of RhelawenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum