Chapter 22 - The Pits

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3rd Person's POV

Faith let out a deep sigh.

"Well..." She went back to stroking the sensitive area behind Whispers ear, making her roll her eyes back in satisfaction - indulging in the soft caress. In all these years, she still couldn't get used to her Alpha's sudden displays of affection - nonetheless, she never shied away.

"Now that the nuisances have been taken care of... its about time we start the Welcoming Ceremony for my companions here, don't you think?" She gestured to the rogues with her free hand. "They are ready to swear allegiance, so make sure all preparations are complete before noon." She waited for the pack to stand and move, but they seemed to be shocked in place, by the brutality the young Alpha girl - some were in awe, others were disgusted.

They quietly watched from their seats as one of the particularly large rogues, with a physique like that of the Hulk, slung the mass of dead bodies over his shoulders - dragging one by the nape of his neck, as if it was not a living breathing being just minutes ago.

"Thank you, Lenny."She flashed him a quick smile before it disappeared with her short-lived contentment. "You can dispose of them however you like... in my pack, traitors don't get funerals..." her eyes flashed with suppressed rage - but of course, nobody saw the bold change behind the blindfold.

"Sure thing, Faith!" He flashed his contradicting smile - it screamed pure innocence, like a child's. "I'll be back in 10," he boomed, bidding goodbye to his Alpha as he walked off - waving the dead wolf in his hand, by the scruff, as he did so.

The pack were astounded by the pure lack of compassion shown to the dead men - and were baffled by how the rogue so confidently spoke to their Alpha, and in such an informal tone too. They've never witnessed an Alpha so calmly let another wolf talk to them in such a degrading manner, without being given some form of punishment in return. He spoke as he was an equal before their Alpha - and she did not seem fazed, not even a little.

Why was she letting them speak to her like that? None could decipher the reason behind their Alpha's odd behaviour.

Little did they know how deep the friendship between them was - between the rogues and their Alpha.

Little did they know how much these people had suffered... together.


After Faith awoke, she found herself in a place called The Pits... a large, lower ground dungeon of sorts. Two connecting, underground levels which housed all the werewolves which were deemed either useless due to lack in beauty, or too dangerous to sell.

Contradictory to popular belief, the hunters do not kill their prey.

They've never killed a werewolf, no... because that would go against their main rule. They could torture wolves, seriously maim them, ruin them physically - however or whenever they wanted - or mentally abuse them until they considered suicide... but they never murdered.

They let the wolves take care of their own kind.

The rows of cells and dead-end hallways connected to form a large, 2-tier maze - where many areas still remained untrodden, by even the hunters who worked there. The Pits were designed as an inprenetable, underground fortress hundreds of years ago by the 1st generation of hunters - and up until now, they still served their purpose exceptionally well, keeping prisoners in and trespassers out.

Nobody had ever returned from The Pits... not without the authority of the hunters.

Although this place only held the wolves that were deemed worthless, they were kept alive in hopes of - with a little convincing - one or the other would spill some information which might lead them to capturing others. They were kept alive, barely, and were regularly checked and counted - however, cell deaths were common down here, with murder being the major cause.

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