Chapter 32 - Hidden Intentions

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Faith's POV

It's time.

I have to tell them now. It's the best chance. They've all been summoned here, in the Main Hall, to welcome the new additions who reached here only a few hours ago. It's 1pm, and everyone is now gathered.

It's time to start.

"Silence." It was one word. I only said it, and the effect was instant - just as I expected.

"As you all know, my chosen Beta arrived today," motioning to the man beside me, the one who had helped me through my struggles and pushed me to develop into who I am now.

"And I thought it best to get you all acquainted before the Crowning." I smiled his way, knowing he was most certainly smiling back, as always.

"This person right here," I gestures to the broad chest beside me, " is your new Beta."

And then, after bracing myself for the unwelcome reaction - taking a deep breath for good measure - I hit them.

"Trystan Vlademir Bludworth."

The silence hit a deeper tone, if that was even possible, before the murmuring and sly whispering started throughout the crowd.

A Vampire. A few whispered.

What's a pure blood doing here? A bearded man up front asked, trying to be subtle - but failing miserably.

What does he want from us? A pup at back asked his group of friends, trying to act tough but sounding slightly scared.

Dirty leach. A woman muttered, disgustedly.

That was the last straw.

"He is my chosen Beta for reasons you can never understand." I stated calmly, but my anger was steadily rising to seep into my words.

"Remember that before you utter a word against him - an insult to him is a direct insult to ME!" I all but roared.

I had hit my limits.

When it came to Trystan, I was as protective of him as I was with Sin. "I'll kill anyone who so much as speaks ill of the man who has looked after me for longer than you know."

I didn't want to reveal more information than Blood Moon needed, so was very vague with my reasoning - however, I knew it would be enough for them. Since, as the Aloha, my reasons were unquestionable.

"He has helped this pack more than you know - from the shadows - since the days of my father, Alpha Josiah White. He was a close friend of The Beast, and a friend of The Beast is undeniably a friend to us all - as we are, and always will be, the pack of The Beast.

"Remember The Beast before you think bad of his friend." I said darkly, staring down the hundreds in this Hall - burning holes of hatred through my sturdy blindfold.

For a second, I even had the strong urge to take it off - to show them the depths of my emotion-riddled pair of eyes - but I held myself back.

If I do that, Maya will force control - she wouldn't want a sign of weakness shown to any other. And I do not intend on Maya being let loose here. For all I know, she might end up killing half the pack in our emotional frenzy.

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