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Caden Black (23) is the only son (and heir) of Fenrir Black - Alpha of the Blood Lust Pack. With a glorified past of blood and violence, Caden and his father were able to defeat many Alpha's in order to form the largest and strongest pack known in Werewolf history.

Feared son of the "Devil" Fenrir, Caden is said to be more barbaric than his father, which in itself is a large feat. A tall 6"3' figure, with red eyes the colour of blood and black hair that reaches his hips, he is described by all as the embodiment of Satan.

Faith White (18) is a blind wolf but in no way is she weak. From a young age she trained in and mastered all fighting techniques, along with the Secret Arts practised by - and known only to - her pack. Faith is a spitting image of her mother, with her beautiful blonde hair, but has eyes a unique grey (almost white) eyes that seem to read the depths of your soul. She is the one and only daughter of Josiah and Ernest White (Alpha and Luna of the Moonlight Pack) and is the soon-to-be Alpha of her pack (with her older twin brother taking the role of Beta).

The Moonlight members are expert warriors known for their peaceful nature, however they were successfully attacked by Blood Lust (when she was just 12) with the help of the traitorous 3rd-in-command, Gamma Ronman - Faith being one of few survivors. Crazed by her loss and forced to turn Rogue, she embarked on her isolated path - killing all who posed a threat; Beautiful but broken, she is now referred to as "The Shadow". Trapped in her own mind and emotionally unstable, she inflicts damage contradicting her soft and slender 5"4' figure.

Destined by Fate, an Alpha and a Rogue cross paths - with the outcome being more than unexpected. What will become of this meeting? How will they react when the past returns to disturb their present?

*WARNING: STRONG, DESCRIPTIVE VIOLENCE AND SENSITIVE TOPICS INCLUDED - if you no likey you no need to read 😇.. Me no force you , kapiche? *

***** AUTHORS NOTE *****

TARGET: starting it easy with 2 likes and 1 comment before I post the first chapter :P

[PLAYLIST: Fall Out Boy - Centuries]

My first attempt at a story .. unedited so please be nice when picking faults :) .. wouldnt mind comments on any ideas or feedback.. dedicating chapters to those who make a difference :) ..enjoy peepz! ;)

OH! And dont forget to press VOTE before leaving my page .. Thanks :) xx

~(Picture: Faith, Present time)~

Love Thy Shadow, Satan (LTSS) [#Wattys2018]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant