Chapter 4

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Aphmau's POV

"Nicole?! What happened?!" I gasped when I saw her. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, and she was crying.

"D-D-Dante..." She took a breath, "H-He broke up with m-me..."

She calmed down a bit, and I invited her in, and we sat on the chairs downstairs.

"What?! You two were like, the perfect couple! How could he?!" I exclaimed, and Nicole stayed silent, "You loved each other!!"

"No..." She shook her head, "I...I loved him...B-But he...didn't love me...He loves Kawaii~Chan..."

"Wha- Okay, just, tell me what happened. Are you sure you heard him right...?"

"Well, last night, Dante came over and he told me he wanted to talk to me, so I agreed. We walked as we talked and we went to the lake, you know, Tsumetai Kokoro? Yeah, and he said he 'didn't think it was working out' and that 'we should take a break'. I didn't even listen to what he had to say, I just ran off."

"...Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No, I'll live. I wouldn't want to be the reason why Dante is unhappy, not if its just my selfishness. If he had the chance to be happy, he got it darn right when he took it."

And with that's she was off with her mood swings.

Seriously, she went from hysterical crying to being perfectly fine in like, two seconds.

-----Time Skip-----

Garroth's POV

I went into the guard tower to get my stuff ready for the day. I had made breakfast for and the boys, since Zoey was busy with Mira. We all enjoyed a nice meal together before I headed out. Laurance got yesterday off because of the 'incident'. He stayed in our guest room all day.

Anyways back to the present. I saw that someone had used my special musgravite sword and gotten it all dirty, so I walked over to the chest that held the cleaning cloth, and some armour-cleaning-spray-stuff. After getting what I needed, I went to the top, where I sat beside the table who tried to steal mah girl. (Don't look to much into it. Writers block, more like Writers Massive Brick Wall)

After a few minutes, Laurance came up, looking as tired as ever. He sat down at the table, and put his head down.

"Please tell me you weren't there to see my 'incident'!"

"What incident?"

"Oh thank Irene that you weren't there!"

"Oh, you mean your whole, 'getting drunk' issue? Haha, you were awesome!"

He groaned, "Don't tell anyone?"

"I already told Dante, but I won't tell anyone else. You still have to talk to Zoey, Aphmau, and Dante though..."


A/N-- Hey!! Ok so, it's another short chapter, but you can make it work. I got back from school about an hour ago, and I'm tired. And I have writers giant flipping Grand Canyon which is stopping me from writing. I'm also busy working on #projectmars which, you will find out what it is soon enough. Okay?

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and I shall be back!



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