New York

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His uncles had given us some money and his boss graciously gave him a letter of recommendation to give to Mr Edison.

It read,
"I know two great men and you are one of them; the other is this man."

We almost missed the train. We lost our money and Nikola lost our tickets, our passports and our luggage, we still, through his ingenuity, managed to make it to the Saturnia to sail to America.

During the voyage for some bizarre reason a mutiny broke out! Nikola got in the middle of the battle between crew mates.

I was beside myself as Nikola was arrested.

I was relieved when he convinced the authorities on board of his innocence and they released him.

We arrived in New York on June 6th, 1884.

After that harrowing experience we had but a few cents in our pockets. Nikola had a few of his poems and of course his plans for a flying machine that he dreamed up and I held his letter of recommendation.

Upon our arrival Nikola insisted we go directly to meet Mr Edison.

Must I tell you.... Nikola was mesmerized by Mr Edison.

Mr Edison was good enough to give us a meal of which we were both very grateful.

During dinner Nikola described the work in engineering he had done for Mr Edison's company in France.

But mostly my brilliant husband talked about his alternating current.

I felt a little uneasy about the whole meeting. Something ominous. But of course I could not say anything to Nikola for he felt on top of the world.
I was happy for him.

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