Edison lied

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Nikola arrived home very late one evening completely distraught.

"What has happened my darling? Tell me!"

I gave him a hot meal which he barely touched. Quiet for quite a while. Then the injustice burst forth.

By this time Nikola had been working for Edison for over one year and had become his top engineer.

"I told him that I could improve his direct current generators." Nikola started. "He offered me $50,000 if I could prove it. And I did!"

"Yes I know how hard you worked for a year." I wailed.

"My own design. Now the generators are more efficient, durable and profitable."

"Was not Edison impressed with your work?"


"Then what is the problem?"

"The problem is that I asked him to pay me and....."

He paused because his emotions were getting the better of him.

".......he said he was joking about the money."

"What? Why this is impossible!"

"He claims I don't understand American humor. Instead he gave me a raise of $10 per week."

"What did you do?"

"I resigned."

Thus began a struggle and animosity between these two men.

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