Allie Akers

20 3 3

Mom: Your great aunt just passed away. LOL

Allie: Why is that funny?

Mom: It's not funny Allie! Wht do you mean?

Allie: Mom lol means laughing out loud!

Mom: Ohmy goodness!! I sent that to everyone I thought it meant lots of love. I have tocall everyone back oh god


Mom: Hi allie space space space space how space are space you space doing period capital eye love this new phone exclamation point

Allie: I see youre using voice text. You don't have to say space mom it does it for you

Mom: I cucumber letter pea Ritalin

Allie: What? Mom stop just type


Sister: Allie there's a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?

Sister: Pls hurry because I'm going to cry

Sister: Allie

Sister: Allie

Allie: Allie is dead. You're next. Love, Moth.


Mom: You know that song you like?

Allie: Which one?

Mom: Sexy and you know it

Allie: Ya

Mom: Well here's one for you. I walk in your room and this is what I see, there's a condom on the floor and it's starting at me. I have a rage in my stomach and I'm not afraid to show it, show it, show it... You're grounded and you know it.


Allie: So how's your new phone?

Allie: You finally have a smartphone :D

Allie: Mom?

Allie: Why aren't you answering?

Mom: Howdoyoudoaspace


Allie: Mum

Allie: Mummy

Allie: Mum its really important

Mom: What do you want its three in the morning

Allie: I just farted

Mom: Just one normal child.....thats all I ask for


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