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6:03 am


it's hard to process such difficult understandings in a time of such crisis.

it's been a day locked in this dark room, not alone, thankfully, and all i know is that i need to pee, and that my throat is very dry.

after the entire fire incident, my back aches and i can feel the misery as i breathe in. i've told aaron that i'm fine, but truly, i'm not.

who would be, honestly?

aaron wasn't even someone i exactly knew in school. we had two classes together, gym and lunch. not that special, really. we hardly even sat close to each other on the bus, either. all i know about him is that his name is aaron and he's known me since first grade.



"so, how are you?" she mused, rolling her head back onto the concrete wall.

the kidnapper had given us a source of light, the lamp sitting by my side. he hadn't thought of food or anything to let us survive, but it's only been a day and frankly sitting here with stella wasn't the worst thing in the world.

after all, she is my crush.

"overall, beside being kidnapped, i'm okay." i managed a grim smile, which she laughed at before wincing. her back was badly burned, and there was nothing we could do to relieve it. we were both still tied down.

she coughs violently, spewing blood. we stare at her hands for a moment before stiffening and looking away from each other quickly.

"i heard you like to read." i said quietly, my voice echoing the large walls we were surrounded by.

and just like that, her body shifted and it was as if she didn't even feel the pain surging through her bones.

"definitely!" her voice elevated higher, eager to carry on a conversation she enjoyed speaking of. "have you heard of the app wattpad?"

i shook my head, laughing, and she just looked away sadly. "you've missed out on the best thing in the world, then."

i don't think i did, though, because seeing stellaluna happy was the best thing in the world.

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