Prologue - "On The Run"

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A/N: Welcome To The Prologue Of  123 Slaughter Me Street: "Welcome To Our Domain" hope you guys enjoy please leave a comment below on your thoughts on everything

BOLD - Yelling/ Something Unholy/Noises 

Italic - Thoughts/Memories

"HUF HUF HUF HUF" I was panting as I was running down the street as the BLARING police sirens behind me began to get closer. The Officer in the passgener seat of the vehicle behind me bellowed "STOP RESISTING AND GIVE UP WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!!!". THAT was when I noticed he was NOT lying I seen two police cars stop and block the rest of the street. "Damned cops always on step ahead" I thought as I was quickly  looking left and right for some type of escape away from the police.

As hope slowly drained away from my body and soul I seen a little alley way "HELL YES" I thought as I ran through the dark alley way. It was really dark but due to those annoying police sirens  I could see three things  1.) A sign reading "123 Slaughter Me Street", creepy  2.) A trash can with BLOODY letters saying "GO AWAY" I hummed in confusion to myself "Why the hell should anyone be afraid of an alley way" I shook away the thought "Probably some crazy homeless guy stating his ownership over the alleyway" I mumbled to myself. 3.) A fleet of steps , before I could process these things I heard one  of the police cruisers door slam as a cop pointed down the alleyway ,"HE  RAN DOWN THERE!!!". Without thinking I ran up the fleet of stairs and ended up on the roof of a building.

I heard heavy boots running down the alleyway I hid into the shadows on the roof standing up ready to run,  "WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO HE JUST VANISHED!!!" one of the cops yelled "I TOLD YOU IDIOTS HE RAN DOWN THE STREET!!!" the other cop challenged. They searched the alleyway one more time and  ran for  their cruisers and started theirs sirens again and sped down the street. I laughed at those idiots as I yelled down the street "YOU STUPID PIGS AREN'T GETTING ME" I kept laughing. The laughing from me stopped quickly when I heard the structure  of the roof under me give away and gave a metallic groan and then "BOOM" was all I heard before I was pinned to the ground with the roof my vision was getting blurry....

I think there was a sudden pain in my ankle......

123 Slaughter Me Street: "Welcome To Our Domain"Where stories live. Discover now