Chapter 6 - Floor 2 "Tim?"

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A/N: Welcome back to 123 Slaughter Me Street: "Welcome To Our Domain" this time around we have chapter 6 or floor 2 if you will. In this chapter our new friends play a bit rough with our criminal and we found the King Of Horrors himself, anyway I hope you guys enjoy what I have for this chapter


Italics - Thoughts/Memories/Dream/Quiet Noises Or Sounds

I will NEVER forget those purple glowing demonic eyes that red beast had before it left. My blood ran cold as soon as I seen the thing that stupid bird,dragon,blue monster were enough but no, now there is another and hes going straight for the first floor, crap! "Well at least the thing left the floor" I said, then reality sparked up another thought for my mind, "What if that red devil is right behind the exit door just waiting to bite my head off" I thought "I just hope this flashlight can freaking last this journey". There was no time to think about ANYTHING like usual when suddenly the door nob what rattling like crazy "BAWWWRRRR!!!!" I heard from the behind the door. "OH CRAP" I thought I broke into a limp jog down the hall and heard a loud WHAM from behind me, they got in. I heard faint footsteps from the left and right halls and I heard very loud footsteps from behind me. I didn't stop this little jog, I couldn't my flashlight was on its last stand and I am NOT going to waste it on these creatures. When I passes the 7th door in this LONG hallway I heard fast and soft growling coming from the left side of me, "Shit, that little dragon" I thought I couldn't stop my anxiety and fear kept building me up and pushing me forward. When I passed two doors after the run in with the Waiter, "SCRAWL" was all I heard from the right hallway while the Greeter popped out of the door I balled up a fist getting ready to punch this thing, when I was ready to nail this thing right in it's face it ducked down right before I could land a blow and I fell to ground. Like usual I was expected to be grabbed by the throat by these monsters, but no, this time the Greeter pinned me down. I lifted it's hand full of claws up preparing to rip me apart, his friends appeared from behind him I seen the Waiter bend down grab my ankle. The Follower stood and watched for my sudden movements suddenly, Greeter yelled "SCRAWL" and jumped on my chest and started thrashing it's claws everywhere on my chest up to my fast "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled in pain as this thing was tearing my face and chest apart. What made this pain more AGONIZING was the Waiter taking my ankle and TWISTING slowly, as it did five, FIVE loud painful cracks came from my ankle. This pain was unbearable and my vision is getting darker.

I couldn't stall any longer I had to do something before these things tear me to shreds and END me. I extended my arm out slowly and reached out for the wall, "YOU FOOLS, HE'S TRYING TO USE HIS WEAPON" The Follower bellowed, it seemed like they blocked him out because the Greeter kept clawing at me like crazy and the Waiter kept slow twisting my ankle so, the Follower came over to me and bent down and started to claw at my face as well filled with fear and pain I screamed in absolute AGONY as they all were killing me in three different places. Surprisingly through all of this I still could extend my arm out to the wall once the flashlight hit the wall with the softest thunk I SMACKED flashlight against the wall and a beam came out but it wasn't a strong one its was blinking out like crazy, I turned the flashlight to face these creatures and they all fell to the ground as the beam hit them right in the eyes. Defeated FINALLY, all of them gave out loud BWARRRS and hit the ground. I tried to stand up but failed as soon as my ankle started to hurt, I was not forced to crawl over to the exit now. Filled with fear and anxiety I started to crawling like crazy over to exit, the last bit of hope left my body when I noticed I was only FOUR more doors away from leaving here. "That beam wasn't strong enough to hold them for long" I thought once these things get up I am screwed! As if they could hear my thoughts I felt something grasp my leg and started to drag me back into the darkness I extended my leg back and kicked whatever had me in the face, I heard a muffled "BWARRR" from behind me must have been the Follower. I was now 2 doors away from freedom when I looked up and seen the exit door I seen a name in bloody letters reading "TIM", "Who the hell is Tim?" I thought. Then for the 100th time of the night, my brain clicked at the name TIM and how these "monsters" looked but then I shook away the thought "No these things can't be the singing happy puppets that used belong to the Tim Densen" I thought can't possibly be. After shaking away the thought I hit my head and looked up and seen the warmth and protection of the red glow that belonged to the EXIT sign "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE FROM US" three demonic voices bellowed from behind me. I lifted my arm up and noticed, it wasn't aliened with the nob, I heard running behind me, "CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP" I yelled as I kept missing the nob the monsters were 5 doors away from killing me. FINALLY my hand rested on top of the nob I twisted it really fast and yanked the door open but... When I opened the door, since I was still on the floor, I seen a BIG RED foot, I slowly looked up and seen a GIANT red monster with purple glowing eyes stare down at me he then proceeded to grab me by the throat and lift me up. This red monster had two horns a mouth FULL of RAZOR sharp teeth and more claws than the others. I heard the footsteps behind me stop "LEAVE THIS PITIFUL HUMAN TO ME" It yelled to the rest of the monsters. It turned me around, now I could see what the monsters were doing, they were kneeling like this red guy was the king. The Monster then turned me back around to face him "Welcome To Our Domain" it said forming a smile FULL OF RAZOR sharp teeth it then punched me face. My vision was getting darker until I couldn't see anything....

The last words I heard before I was knocked out was, "YOU WILL PAY... for killing our friend"

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