Chapter 5 - Floor 3 "A Flashlight & A Hard Place"

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A/N: Welcome to chapter 5 or floor 3 if you will of  123 Slaughter Me Street: "Welcome To Our Domain" this time around our criminal has reached a new and longer floor of hell to endure hope you enjoy what I have planned for this chapter make sure slap that star button more :). 


Italics - Thoughts/Dream/ Quiet Sounds Or Noises/Whisper

I was a long hallway indeed I couldn't make out a single thing in this darkness. However, what DID light up the hallway a little bit were three pairs of white dots staring at me from the exit, the monsters all of them just staring at me. "Oh no...." I thought with no hope. Before I could think of running into any of door's hallways the entrances all  of them had portals of darkness in front of all of them, curtsy of that little yellow dragon. I got into a defensive mode I may be trapped, but these demonic creatures are NOT going to get me "I HAVE TWO MORE FLOORS, THEN I AM HOME FREE YOU  MONSTERS AREN'T GOING TO CATCH ME" I yelled down the hallway. Just then all of them sprang into action, Follower charged down the hallway & Greeter charged into a dark portal in the left door closet to the exit & The yellow dragon that I have FINALLY got a name for, Waiter, who jumped into the right door portal. Just then reality hit me, "OH CRAP FOLLOWER" I thought I SMACKED the flashlight and the beam got the Follower in the eyes. "BAWWR" It yelled in pain as it hit the ground covering it's eyes, this was my chance to get past him so he could be behind me like usual I quickly limped past him and stopped quickly due to the Greeter hopping out of the black portal. "SCRAWL" It screamed at me, it tried to grab me with it's claws, but I quickly jumped out of the way and fell to the ground while my ankle gave two painful CRACKS as I fell "AHH!!" I yelled as I SMACKED the flashlight, once the beam hit the Greeter's eyes it fell to the ground with it's head half inside one of portals, the portal then expanded and practically ate it. "Oh god" I said as I stood up limping this time, my ankle was really killing me this time around "ugh.... I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS BUILDING" I yelled, I was seven doors away from the exit and once I was up the sixth door I passed heard two things 1.) FAST footsteps slowly making their way toward me 2.) A fast and soft growling coming from the door I was standing by. Then two demon voices chimed in "LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE FINALLY REACHED A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE, WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE  LOOK BEHIND YOU OR TURN TO THE LEFT" they both yelled and laughed. I  Completely LOST it I couldn't take this anymore these things are freaking getting to me. I made a run for the exit.

As I was running for the exit that was four doors ahead of me I seen something extending out from one of the portals. It was like a GIANT wall of darkness extending to the other portal "OH NO NO NO" I yelled, But like usual, I was too late, the big wall of darkness met the other portal I turned around and seen it was the same thing, I WAS TRAPPED.  Suddenly, ten small shadow figures and two freakishly tall ones jumped from portal in front of me, a demonic voice then said "TEAR HIM APART".  I was terrified it was a giant shadow version of the Follower and ten shadow versions of the Waiter and finally one shadow version of the Greeter. I was ready to shoot them with a  beam from the flashlight until one of the small versions of the Waiter snatched the flashlight from my hands, "YOU LITTLE SHI-" I yelled as Shadow Follower grasped on to my neck and lifted me up and sang in a demonic tone, "YOUR A CRIMINAL ENCAVED BY SADNESS, YOU OWN LIFE IS DOOMED WITH FRIGHT!!" I kicked the thing in the face, only for my foot to go right through it's ugly face. All of the Shadows laughed at me, My vision is getting a bit dark.... "I-I'll K-ILL Y-OU A-LL" I could only manage to say while still being chocked. Suddenly a ray of hope shined upon me, or I should say ON them, one of the Shadow Waiters dropped my flashlight on the ground while laughing at me, two things happened 1.) When it hit the ground with a THUNK a beam of light came from the flashlight 2.) The Beam hit the Shadow Follower and Shadow Greeters legs and they're legs disintegrated. A low pitched BAWWR & SCRAWL came out of both of them as the Shadow Follower dropped me to the ground. I didn't let this opportunity pass me for one second as I hit the ground I rushed through all of the shadows and grabbed my flashlight, SMACKED it and the beam shot at all of the shadows "BWARRRRRRRRRRR" all of the shadows said as they were disintegrated to nothingness. "I Guess that was a ENLIGHTENING experience wouldn't you say you ugly pieces of crap" I said laughing. I pointed the beam to the ground and seen three things, Yellow,Blue,Purple ugly creatures on the ground with they're eyes shielded, while the shadows still disappeared from their body's. "OKAY, SO THEY CAN USE SHADOWS FOR ARMOUR NOW, ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW" I thought. The portals in front of all the different hallway doors started to disappear from existence as well, I stayed with my back turned around with the beam on all of the creatures and started to back up toward the exit. When I finally reached the exit I twisted the nob as fast as I could and left that hellish floor. I heard fast footsteps coming from behind the door, I took this chance and ran the steps with the flashlight still on "wow.... this is the longest this thing stayed on" I thought. I reached the second floor door and walked in and locked it behind me. "Hell they can get in, but it still feels safer to keep it locked so I can always get a head start" I thought. Once I turned around from the door I seen a hallway longer than the third floor's, not surprising. I then noticed something horrifying.

My flashlight's beam blinked and turned off, my flashlight is on it's last stand and I think I seen something BIG and RED leave the floor using the exit door and laughed demonically.  

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