Chapter 2 - Floor 6 "Then There Were Two A Familiar Friend & Someone New"

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A/N: Hey guys welcome back to 123 Slaughter Me Street: "Welcome To Our Domain" this time around in Chapter 2 Or Floor 6 if you will ,  I have something nice and painful for our criminal here but look on the bright side... we got a new friend to play with


Italics - Thought/Memories/Nightmare/Noise


As I stared down the LONGER and darker narrow hallway, frightened for what might come next. I mean seriously that STUPID  Blue Cookie Monster Reject was enough. What HELL and horrors can be waiting for me this time around.... I dismissed the thought "Okay time to get moving, that Blue guy could bust down the door ANY second now" I thought. I was just about to get moving until I heard something VERY AGONIZING like LONG nails against chalkboard agonizing. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR , I couldn't take it anymore it was too much. So I probably done the dumbest thing in my life and started RUNNING down the hallway with my hands on my ears. I kept on passing the doors  while the agonizing noise was still right next to me. Once I reached the 6th door the noise FINALLY stopped I stopped in my tracks and took a breath. "huf..huf.. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" I yelled. I checked to see if I still  have my flashlight in hand to my luck I still did. I smacked the flashlight button and it FINALLY worked I looked down the 6th door hallway to be safe I flashed down the hall to find nothing but a little garbage bag. "Whew... glad i'm safe here" I said. FINALLY relaxed,  I proceeded once more , I was a inch behind the 7th door only to come to stop ONCE AGAIN FRIGHTENED IN FEAR. There was a 10 foot Pink Monster Bird with 3 long CLAWS that stood right outside the door with its hand out as if it was greeting me.

"GAH!!" I screamed as I stumbled back and tripped on the floor. THUNK , my flashlight had said as it hit the ground somewhere behind me "WHERE WHERE WHERE IS IT " I thought as I was searching the floor for my flashlight. "SCRAW" the Pink Monster was right in front of me looking down at me ready to TEAR me to shreds. "OH NO OH NO NO NO" I YELLED "GET BACK". The Pink Monster grabbed me by the neck with one of it's hands and lifted me 2 feet off the floor and sang to me in a demonic tone "SO  BE READY FOR YOUR TIME, YOUR HEART BEASTS FASTER AS YOU'RE GONE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!!!" It screamed. It took it's other hand and pointed it's 3 long claws at my chest and SLOWLY DUG them in and SLASHED. "AHHHH!!!!" I screamed in complete agony. When it was FINALLY done having it's fun he quickly took it's claws out of my chest and stood and laughed at me. This was my chance I charged up my kick getting ready to kick this Pink Bird in the chest. "3...2...1" I Thought. Then, BOOM I KICKED this thing right in the chest "SCRAW!!!" It yelled painfully as it THREW me back 4 doors. As my flight stopped I landed painfully on the floor and heard two CRACKS from my left ankle, also my arm and the back of my head hit two separate things  1.) The back of head hit something warm and FURRY 2.) My right arm was on my flashlight "OH MY GOD YES I FINALLY FOUND YOU .. WAIT WHAT THE HELL DID MY HEAD HIT?" I thought. I got up and looked behind me for there was the Blue Monster I met on the 7th floor "FUCK , NOT YOU AGAIN!!" I yelled as I SMACKED the flashlight with all of the force left in my body, to my luck it turned on and stunned the Blue Monstrosity in its face. "BAWRRR!!!" it growled as it fell to ground crumpled.

I smiled at my work and turned around the Pink Bird was charging at me! "HOLY CRAP" I yelled as I looked to my left and saw the third door hallway and launched myself in there. The Pink Monstrosity ran by the door with incredible speed then WHAM without even noticing my little escape the Pink Monstrosity was on it's Blue friend on the ground "scraw...." it said defeated on the ground. "Okay nice and slow I can make a freaking run for it.." I thought. I got up silently and slowly and quickly limped for the exit door. I was almost there I could taste it one more door to the exit door thats when I heard two terrifying noises behind me. "SCRAW" & "BWARRR"!!!! The monsters were charging down the hall for me the Blue Monster running straight down the hallway while the Pink one vanished in the third door hall. "NO NO NO NO NO NO" I SCREAMED as I reached for the nob I felt something CLAWING at the back of my shirt "SCRAW... I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR FLESH IN TWO" The Pink Bird Bellowed. "I'M GOING TO SHOVE YOUR HEART DOWN YOUR THROAT" The Blue Monster Roared. "Almost... GOT IT" I Yelled twisting the nob and launching myself outside  the exit , suddenly I seen  and heard two things 1.) I  seen ton of blood and the air 2.) A loud RIP from the back of my shirt.  I pushed the exit door with my wounded back,  the air that swept into my wounds made the pain worse but what made this AGONIZING was the Blue Monster pounding the door and the Pink Bird CLAWING down the metal  door. I got up and made sure I still had my flashlight "Thank God" I thought.

I swept down the two stair cases and opened the 5th floor door and locked it behind me. I turned around to examine the hell that awaits when I turned around I seen nothing but darkness and a even LONGER hallway. 

"It's Going To Be One Long Night For Me" I thought.

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