Chapter 21

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(In case you didn't know, Cameron is fetus Cameron)

▪ Cameron ▪

I sighed, putting on my jacket and walking outside. I turned on my car and started driving to the love of my life's house.

Light after light, I finally arrived at her house. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I saw the For Sale sign.

I ran out my car door and walked inside. There was nothing. All the chairs were gone. The TV. Everything.

"No, no, no, no." I said. I ran upstairs and looked in her room. Nothing. I grabbed the curtain and threw it on the ground.

I yelled while tugging at my hair. I got out my phone and called Gillinsky.

"So bro." He said when he answered the phone. "Do you know where Selena is?" I asked.

"You didn't hear?" He asked unsurely. "No...what happened?" I asked getting worried now.

"She's moving to California."

She's moving to California........

That's all what ran through my head on my way to the airport. I was one more turn until I made it to the parking lot of the airport, until a red light.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." I yelled and slammed my fist into the steering wheel making it honk.

"Fuck off!" A pedestrian yelled. I gave him the finger and he gladly returned it. When the light turned green, I sped so fast that I got pulled over.

"Fuck." I whispered and put on my seat belt, because I didn't have it on. The officer knocked on my window and I rolled it down.

"Yes Officer......." I stopped to look at his name tag. "Sharold," I had to cough in order to stop laughing.

"Were you aware what your speed limit was?" He asked getting out his pen. "No, sir. I haven't." I answered 'honestly'.

"Well, I'm going to have to give you a ticket." He sighed. An idea suddenly sprang into my head.

"Please don't sir. My girlfriend is in labor on the plane and I have to get her to the hospital and I-i." He cut me off.

"Aren't you a little to young to have a child." He said as he stopped writing. "Things happen." I mumbled.

He let out a sigh and put his paper and pen back into his pocket. "Since you're about to be a teenage dad, I guess I'll let you go."

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "Yes, but if I catch you speeding again. I'll give you a ticket." He assured.

"Thank you so much." I said. "Yea, yea. Go to your in-labor wife." He waved his hand in dismissal and walked off.

"Yes," I congratulated myself. I started the engine and sped off into the parking lot.

I got out of my car and ran towards the entrance. I walked in and started to look for her.

"Flight A3 for Los Angeles, California is now boarding. I repeat flight A3 for Los Angeles, California is now boarding. Thank you."

The intercom lady said. I looked at the security guard and asked where the gate is.

He led me to it and I saw Selena getting her suitcase ready. "SELENA!" I yelled.

She looked around until her eyes met mine. Her eyes grew wide in fear. I ran towards her before she could leave.

"Selena, please forgive me." I sighed.

"Cameron, I-i just can't get what you did to me out of my head. You don't know how hard I try to. I want to forgive you, but my brain just keeps on reminding me of what you did. Another thing that won't let me be with you is that if we ever get together, I will make you angry somehow and you'll do a repeat of what happened. I don't want to get my heart broken and I'm pretty sure you don't either. Just please give me some space. Please." She begged.

I hesitantly nodded and let go of her wrist. "Can I at least have one last kiss?" I asked softly.

She nodded and I leaned towards her. I stopped at a certain point. She closed the gap.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies. I licked her bottom lip asking for permission. She let me in and my tongue started to explore.

I rested mine on hers and just continued to move our lips. When I ran out of breath, I pulled back but still kept both of my hands on her face.

"This is it." She whispered. "I guess it is."

"Honey we got to go." Her mom said. I let go of her face and watched her walk away. She looked over her shoulder giving me a look telling me goodbye.

I waved and walked away too.


Well that was long. it's because I had 2 people ask me to update.

Hope you enjoyed it :-)

Stay Clean ~ Cameron Dallas

Words - 813

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