F o u r

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        "It's been two hours, [Name]- chii. Should we go get papa?" Takashi questions. We were still sitting on the bench outside, Takashi's head laying on my lap. I tiredly look at him and smile, playing with his gold soft locks.

"Should we? It's only," I take out my phone from my pocket and check the time, "5:36 PM. Woah. . .it's almost late. . . ," I mutter. Did they really have to bang each other for a long ass time? Should I. . .talk to Ryouta about this? "Why don't we go inside? We've talked about a lot of things," I suggest, poking his cheek. Takashi giggles and slaps my finger away.

"But, your thighs are so soft to lay on!" he says. I can feel a twitch on my right brow and I laugh.

"Okay, okay. You can lay on my lap when we get inside, yea?" Takashi sits up and gets off the bench.

"Okay, let's hurry, mama!" he excitedly says and rushes to open the door. Mama. . .it sounds. . .nice. Though it feels pretty early since I'm only 20 years old. . . . I smile and follow after him inside the house. Takashi stands frozen in front of the living room and I furrow my brows.

"Takashi, what's wrong?" I walk up to him and put my hand on his right shoulder. He looks at me and then at the couch. There was Ryouta sitting there, his head in his hands, and I could hear sniffing from him. Is he crying? Plus, where's Minako? Maybe she left from the back? Probably not? Dunno. Oh well.

"Papa. . .why are you crying?" Takashi asks, going up to Ryouta and putting his little hands around Ryouta's wrists. Ryouta laughs, a strained laugh and looks up, his eyes glazed.

"Ah, it's nothing, Taka," he says and then pats Takashi's head. His golden orbs meet my [e/c] orbs and he smiles a little. "[Name], you're still here. You could've left you know." I narrow my eyes at him, my arms crossed.

"Explanation. Now," I demand. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Not right now, please," he murmurs and then puts Takashi on his lap. I kneel down in front of Ryouta and put my hands on his cheeks. I wipe the tear that's about to fall from his right eye and sigh.

"You idiot, what's wrong?" I ask. He stares at me with wavering eyes and then adverts his gaze.

"It's nothing," he whispers. Takashi, who's sitting on his lap, laughs.

"Mama and papa are in love!" he says. I pull away and pinch Takashi's nose.

"Of course your dad loves me," I proudly say, trying to improve Ryouta's mood. Ryouta's mood does not change. I need to get us alone. "Ne, Takashi, do you want to visit Aomine?" Takashi's eyes light up and he nods.

"Yes! Uncle Aomine is so funny. Papa, let's go to uncle's house, pretty please?" Takashi looks at Ryouta with such cute big, round golden eyes. Oh my god, that is so freaking kawaii. Ryouta slightly nods.

"Sure, we can go. Let me take a shower first," he says and puts Takashi on the sofa then walks down the hallway to the bathroom to shower. This is a great chance to get me and Ryouta alone. We can leave Takashi at Aomine's for awhile and then come back for him.

-At Aomine's House-

"Uncle Aomine!" Takashi shouts when Aomine finally opens the door. Aomine looks down at Takashi and rubs his head.

"If it isn't the little dude," he mutters and then picks Takashi up. "Haven't seen you in awhile, little Kise." To think of it, Takashi already knows Aomine. . .this means that Aomine knew this whole entire time and never told me about it? I shall remind myself to talk to Aomine later. Just as Ryouta is about to take off his shoes, I grab his wrist and smile at Aomine.

"We'll be back, Aomine. I need to take Ryouta out," I say with a wink. He rolls his eyes and Takashi nods.

"Okay, mama!"

Aomine looks at me with puzzling eyes and I shake my head. "Alright, see you guys later! Bye Takashi, Aomine!" I drag Ryouta and we start walking downtown. Thank goodness Aomine lived pretty close downtown.

"Where are we going, [Name]-chii?" Ryouta asks, his voice monotone. Just what happened to his go lucky cheerful voice? I look back at Ryouta and see an emotionless expression. I smile anyways and put my right arm around his torso.

"I am going to make you smile and laugh today, Ryouta. There is no way in backing out," I say. He looks down at me and shakes his head.

"You're way too kind. . . ," he says and a small smile appears. I give him a thumbs up and I can see tears begin to fill his vision. He stops and puts his forearm over his eyes. "I'm so glad to know someone like you. . .[Name]-chii," he whispers. Damn, these feels. I sigh and grab his arm that is covering his eyes and smile as bright as I can.

"Life's too short to be depressed, Ryouta," I say and stand on my tip toes to pat his head. People walk around us, as we stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

"I feel better," he murmurs and wipes his eyes and a bright smile appears. "Alrigjt, [Name]-chii, let's go do something fun!" he excitedly shouts, grabs my hand and dashes off. I grin and run along with him. Ryouta is back. . .that's great.

Here we are. . .at the roller skating rink. Once we enter, hip hop music blasts into our ears and the smell of food enters our noses. Many people are skating in a circle, laughing, pushing, and shouting. "Here we are, [Name]-chii! It's been so long since I've been here!" Ryouta excitedly rushes to buy some roller skates.

"Wait, Ryouta! I'm paying!" I move him out of the way and quickly pay for our roller skates (mine being roller blades). Ryouta pouts childishly behind me and complains how that he is the man and that he should pay for the woman. I put on the roller blades and stand up, putting my hands on the wall for support. I feel a whoosh of wind on my left and see a flash of gold and my mind immediately says--- Ryouta. Seriously, Ryouta is good at everything. How the hell does he do it? I finally make it to the actual rink and start roller skating with random people, looking for the golden haired man. "Where the heck is Ryouta?" I mutter and then I hear squealing. I sigh and turn around. There he was, surrounded by girls.

"Oh my gosh! It's Kise Ryouta! The model on the model magazine!" girls squeal, excitedly and the crowd gorws larger and larger. Once you know it, the rink was spilt into two. There were girls on one side, plus Ryouta in the middle. On the other half were most of the girls' boyfriends and me, wathing the scene with a sweatdrop.

"Kise-kun~! Please take a selfie with me!"

"Kise-kuuunnn~! Please take this 100 American dollar bill!"


"Please give me your phone number!"

"And your address!"

"And your clothes!"

"And your teeth~!"


"Holy crap!" I mutter to myself. Fan girls really do go overboard. I mean, I wouldn't blame them, I'd probably be the same, but only to anime characters, so. . . . I can hear some of the girls' boyfriends talking how they're jealous and how they'd kick Ryouta's ass for taking their girlfriends attention. I turn around and speak, "Don't worry, men. All of your girlfriends are just fans, no point in being jealous." They all stare at me and then their eyes twinkle.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" I jump back as they start to swarm me and bombard me with questions.

"Wahh~ she's so kawaii!"


A creature. . .nice, I guess. I can hear the girls quiet down and the boys get louder. I awkwardly hold out my hands to show that I did not want to be touched. "Alright, men," I speak, but they speak over me. They get even closer and bombard more questions. Where the hell is Ryouta? I turn around and tip toe to look for Ryouta's hair, but apparently all the men that are swarming me are blocking me.

"Hey, what the hell?!"

All of a sudden, I see Ryouta making his way through the swarm of men and his eyes are hard, his nostrils flared. He grabs my arm and holds me against him.

"She's mine!"

Author's Note:
Blahhh. I hope you at least enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it was pretty boring. But, there are twists in here. . .pretty bad ones. Just wait till we get closer towards the end. It'll get pretty bad ;)
I hope you liked it!

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