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"Mama, where are you going?" Takashi yawns as he sits up on the couch. I hurriedly put on my shoes and smile at Takashi.

"I really need to leave for a little bit!" I hurriedly say and finally manage to slip on my sandals. Takashi nods and falls back on the couch and falls back asleep. Well then. . .I guess I'll see him later.

"[N-Name]-chii! Wait up!" Ryouta yells from Aomine's bedroom. My face flushes when I remember what had just happened and I open the door and slam the door shut, running away from Aomine's house. I need to get home and just get away from Ryouta for awhile.

I open my eyes, my eyes being blinded from the morning sun. I cover my eyes with my hands and rub them. "Ugh, what the hell just hit me?" I mutter and open my eyes, narrowing my eyes.

"[Name]-chii," someone cooes. Sounds like Ryouta. I turn to my right and my eyes nearly fall out.

I screamed bloody murder, moving backwards and falling off the bed. I recover and scoot to the wall, screaming. "RYOUTA, WHAT THE HELL?!"

There lay Ryouta, completely bare and naked, laying beside me. "Goodmorning, [Name]-chii. Have a good night sleep?" I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks and I scream, jumping up and getting off the bed, trying to get to the door. "[N-Name]-chii, don't run away from me! This is the---!"

"OH MY GOSH! I NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" I shout, opening the door.

"Wait! This is the punishment, [Name]-chii!"

I shudder when I remember Ryouta's body. It was really, really, really, really embarrassing. I can't believe he would do that, especially since I get embarrassed easily. . .well at least sometimes I do. But, this---- this is an exception because he was actually naked. Literally naked. Bare. He was bare and I swore to god I saw the one thing I did not want to see.


It was probably Aomine's idea!!!! I did hear Ryouta say it was the punishment. . .was he referring to the game we played last night. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if Ryouta lost in rock, paper, scissors because he does suck at those kind of games. . .I mean me, too. . .whatever, nevermind. As I head downtown of Tokyo to the train station, I look to the windows that contain clothes, jewerly, and other things you can think of. There I see myself, my cheeks red, and my hair. . .all messed up. I LOOK SO HORRIBLE! I stop in front of a window and rummage my hands through my bird nest of a hair. I can't believe I ran out looking like this!!! I flatten my [h/c] hair down a little and huff, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. My hair is really tangled and my fingers wont help as much! I can see people through the reflection and see them staring at my hair. I flush red in embarrassment. This is so embarrassing. . . .

"Whoa. . .what's wrong with your hair?" someone asks. I look at the reflection and see a man with deep, red eyes and maroon colored hair. His lips curl into a small smile, sharp teeth popping out? I turn around and back myself against the window, staring at the tall maroon haired dude.

"Uh. . . ." I trail off, looking side to side. A chuckle escpaes his lips and he smirks at me, shifting his weight on one leg.

"I've never seen a girl like this before. . .besides my sister," he says. He looks me up and down and nods. "Not bad, not bad. You play some kind of sport?" he questions. I narrow my eyes at him skeptical and open my mouth.

"I should leave. . . ." I walk around him and continue walking to the station. I could hear his footsteps behind me and then red flashes in the corner of my eye. He's walking beside me. . .a complete stranger. What do I do? I mean, he's hot and all, but looks can be deceiving. I hear him clear his throat and then he shoves his hands in his joggers.

"So. . .uh, you around here?" he asks. I glance at him in the corner of my eye and shrug.

"What do you think?" His eyes widen and he chuckles awkwardly.

"Well, that was a stupid question. Sorry."

"It's okay."

"Matsuoka, Rin," he suddenly says. I stop walking and he stops also, looking at me puzzled.

"Um, stranger, why are you telling me your name?" I question, patting down my hair.

"Well, you seemed like a really easy to talk person."

"Not an easy to get," I retort, crossing my arms. His eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"N-no, I didn't mean it that way!" He struggles to find words, his expression panicked. I burst out laughing and slap my knee.

"That's a knee slap right there!"

". . . ?"

"Alright, Rin. What do you want?" I ask, tilting my head. He stands still for a moment and then he grins, his shark like teeth popping out. "Whoa! You a shark or something?" I get closer and try to examine it. His face turns a bit red and he closes his mouth, his hand covering his mouth.

"You didn't have to point it out, okay?" he says while covering his mouth.

"Wahh! There you are, Rin-chan!" A flash of orange flashes in my vision and Rin is suddenly being hugged by an orange head.

"Na-Nagisa! What the hell?!" Rin shouts, angrily. Nagisa pouts.

"Rin-chan, we were looking for you! We were so worried! Hey, Makoto, Haruka, I found the shark!" Two other guys come into view. One had divine ocean blue eyes raven hair, while the other was really tall and had olive green hair and orbs. Where'd these gorgeous guys come from? Well, not to mention the orange head, Nagisa, had bright magenta orbs. "We have to hurry to the competition!" Nagisa ushers, grabbing onto Rin's jacket. His magenta orbs seem to finally notice me and a smug smirk comes to his face. "Rin-chan, I didn't know you had a girl." All eyes fall on me and I awkwardly look down.

"Uh. . . ," I grab my phone from my pocket and check the time. "AH! I'M GONNA MISS THE TRAIN!" I hurriedly bow to the guys and start sprinting as fast as I can.

"GOODBYE [NAME]!" one of them yells. I see the station come to view and the train had just arrived. People begin to fill in and I kick my legs to go faster. I start jogging and enter the train, panting heavily. My god, that was a good workout. I put my hands on my knees and try to breathe some air. I swear to god, I just grew some calve muscles or something like that. I look up and see people staring at me and then I remember my hair. I sigh and cover my hair with my hands (not that I can hide it that well). A thought comes to me. . .someone said my name. One of them said it, but I never told them my name. . .at all.


Matsuoka, Rin. I'll remember that name.


"My god, [Name]. You finally made it! You take forever getting here!" Momoi groans, while the other guys groan along. I enter the restaurant we'd always meet at to have a get-together, Shooting Stars.

"[Name]-min takes forever as always," I hear Atsushi say. I purse my lips and fix my leggings and sit down next to Seijuro.

"Well, I'm sorry for the delay. I was finishing my article," I say.

"But, you have three days off. Tomorrow is your last day!" Ryouta jumps in, sitting across from me. I ignore Ryouta and the memory of earlier comes to my mind. Naked. Bare. Skin. Naked. Ugh, such heave----what the hell. . . ? Was I gonna think what I was gonna think? Hell naw.


What is wrong with me? Oh my god.

"[NAME]!" I shake my head and turn to my left, seeing an irritated Aomine. "Goddamn woman. Stop day dreaming," he murmurs. I glare at him, too.

"I hate you," I say, crossing my arms. A smirk comes to Aomine's lips and he lays his head in his arms.

"Why? Did I do some thing wrong, [Name]-chan?" he says, sweetly that it sickens me.

". . .Nothing," I mutter and look at the menu.

"Hey. . .Kisemin who was that kid?" Atsushi says, munching on his snacks. How the hell does he not get fat? I guess that's my question to all the people I'm friends with. They never get fat, like what kind of freaking magic do they use?

"What kid?" Ryouta innocently says.

"That little kid you were with. He looks exactly like you. I didn't see you with a kid three years ago," Atsushi says. I look at the purple haired giant who is seated beside Ryouta. Ryouta shrugs.

"Just a little nephew of mine."

"He called you papa," Atsushi quickly says.

"Every kid does that," Ryouta says back and sighs. "I have to babysit him for awhile."

". . .You don't need to lie. . .Ryouta. . . ," Seijuro speaks up beside me, looking up from his menu. "Speak the truth." Ryouta looks at Seijuro and sighs.

"I guess it can't be helped. . . ."

Everyone awaits the news, besides me and Aomine.

"That little kid. . .is my child." Insert dramatic gasp. "The night at the graduation party, I went to a bar and got drunk. I got a girl pregnant and then I get the cutest child ever come into my life."

"I'm not surprised," Midorima speaks up, holding a stuffed Eren Jaeger from the show Shingeki no Kyojin (obviously his lucky item). "I mean, you are a---- what do people call the guys these days?"

"Fuck boy," I answer with a smile. "But, I like your lucky item today, Midorima." He nods at me and Ryouta looks down.

"Yea, but that was when I was young. . . ," Ryouta says and then looks at all of us. "I've changed now."

"You have grown more mature, Kise-kun," a voice says out of nowhere. I almost scream and see Kuroko sitting next to Momoi who is sitting next to Kise (or across from Aomine). Kise seems to be a bit surprised also and sighs. I swear to god, Kuroko is some kind of spirit.

"It can't be helped, but you were drunk after all," Aomine says.

"Dude, where's the waiter or waitress at? It's been like an hour or something," I say, trying to change the subject. I can see Ryouta give me a relieved smile. Seijuro sighs and shakes his head.

"The service here is as poor as ever," he mutters. I roll my eyes and pat Seijuro's shoulder.

"But, the food here is the richest," I say and laugh. "Get it? You said the service is poor and I said the food is rich! Pfttt!" I laugh at my joke, while Seijuro pretends to not hear me.

"Yea, I don't really get how that's funny," I hear Midorima say. I pout and cross my arms.

"You just don't know how to be fun! Loser!" I stick my tongue out at him.

"I will order!" Momoi says as the waitress begins to come over. The waitress apologizes and quickly gets our orders, while saying she'll give us a discount after the long wait. I mean we didn't wait that long. . .but if she offered it, might as well take it. That night, the Generation of Miracles came alive again (in food) besides me (I was basically the person who cheered for them).

Soon enough, it's time to leave and everyone says their farewells. I stand outside of the restaruant (since it was literally near the outskirts of Tokyo) and look up the sky, filled with bright stars. What a clear sky. . . .

"You're still here?" Ryouta asks. I don't turn my head and hum as my response. I hear him sigh and he stands beside me. "Sorry about this morning. . .I lost to Aomine in rock, paper, scissors and he had told me to strip naked and wait in bed with you until you woke up." My eye twitches and I had known that it was Aomine's idea after all.

"Even though the punishment was meant for you to run outside naked, not stay in bed naked," I say.

". . . ." All of a sudden a silence falls upon us and the only sound is the sound of cars passing by. The wind blows against us and I turn my head to look at Ryouta, who is staring up at the sky intently. He seems to be in deep thought. . .and he looked pretty good. The wind blew his hair and his clothes became disheveled. He seems to notice my stare and looks at me also. We stare at each other in silence and he speaks up. "I wonder. . . ," he trails, looking back up the sky. "I wonder what would've happened if I did get married with Minako and had a normal family with Takashi." I keep my eyes locked on his figure and then advert it to the floor.

". . . ."

"Takashi would've been happier. . .he would've been so much happier," Ryouta's voice cracks when he says that. Then, I see his face glistening and I realize he's crying. His tears glisten from the moonlight and my heart aches to see him like this. I stand in front of him and wrap my arms around his torso, hugging him.

". . .I think he's fine now," I speak. Ryouta wraps his arms around my head and pushes me against his chest. "After all, he has you, Ryouta. At least he's not alone."

"But, having a mother figure is better also. Takashi has no mother 24/7," Ryouta says in between sniffs.

"Though having a mother is important in every children's life, but at least you're there for him. You were there with him since day one and Takashi knows you love him very much," I whisper, tears stinging my eyes. Agh, why am I crying?! "At least. . .you didn't give up."

"[Name]. . . ," Ryouta shakily says. Then, sobs begin escaping his lips and I sob with him.

That night we cry in each others arms under the starry night sky and head home as if a heavy feeling has lifted from our shoulders (more of Ryouta's shoulders. . .).

Author's Note: Holy crap. Probably the longest chapter ever. . . .

2475 word count, 8 pages! WHAAAAATTTT WOOWWWWWWW.

Plus, FREE! was involved! lol! Expect to meet some Haikyuu characters! ;)

Alright, enjoy, readers!

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