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first of all, i want to say thank you for reading up to this point. Today's November 13, 2015 yet Friday the Thirteenth's not bad at all. In fact, today was our report card distribution. All those sleepless nights paid off. My top raced up from 7th to 4-5th (one of my classmates and I had a tie from our average) rank of the so-called Star Section. (im happy, sorry. I can't believe that I'm 4-5th from the rest of my grade level. they're hundreds.)
And I thank God for this. So in return, blow out if you must say, I updated. :)



The place was filled with so many people. People who wear same blue printed shirts with their tarpaulins and blue balloons. The crowd was loud and so does the music. At last, the show has started. All held their breath as the host showed up on stage.

"Good evening MOA ARENA!" Said the host.

The crowd went wild again. The screams were so loud that I have to cover my ears too.

"Are you ready?" Asked the host. Everybody answered their 'yes's and 'of course!'s

"Well, with no further ado, let us all welcome," There was a pause. And everybody was waiting. "JUAN KARLOS LABAJO!"

And there he goes. So perfectly. Stood in the middle of the stage and held his mic up high. "Good evening JKUFC!" He greeted. Everybody screamed. Including me.

"I missed you all," He said. "Especially to the person whom I'm going to dedicated my first song."

A background music played while he was talking. "She was the one who helped me on my feet. She's selfless and caring. She's the reason why I stand here, before you all. She's my angel. This is for you..."


And I screamed. Instantly, all the people around me looked my way and smiled.

"I would like to request Lauren," He said. "Lau, please come on stage."

Nervously, I looked at him. He was looking at me too, and I shook my head.

"Aw, come on Lau." He pouted. With that, everyone screamed and those people around me started pushing me to the stage. Oh God.

I walked up to the middle and met him there. He turned off his mic.

"Lau, what I'm going to say, what I'm going to sing... It's really for you. Please listen carefully." He said.

"JK you don't have to-"

"Listen, Lauren."

I nodded and looked at him. A stunt man came carrying a stool and his guitar. Oh my God. What is this? He smiled at me before strumming the intro.

"She's a beauty queen

and no one can compare to her

she's got all of it

she always gets me goin'

She's perfection

always getting my attention

her hand fits perfectly in mine

when I'm with her everything's fine

Oh my love, oh my dearest

oh my sugar butter cup

oh my angel, oh my baby

oh my princess honey bun

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