Quite the Twist

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Benjamin roamed the streets of Diamonds, looking for what his father had sent him out to look for.

A bride.

But as Benjamin walked, he found himself looking a little closer at the men than the women. Sure, there were women he found attractive, but there were more men.

Nonetheless, there wasn't a single person he found that he deemed good enough. Maybe it was something about the way they walked, or how they stood, or maybe it was just the fact that he really, really, really did not want to look marry someone.

As he walked, he noticed people dressed up for no reason as they went about their daily activities. Specifically daughters who had been forcibly pushed into dresses with corsets and lace. Girls as young as seven had been made to look regal.

Benjamin cringed. Did they seriously think he'd pick someone thirteen years younger than he was?

Half the girls and women wearing fancy silk and taffeta dresses were doing arduous labor, and the Prince found himself pitying the girls who looked as if they'd pass out from heat exhaustion at any second.

Because he had his gaze directed elsewhere, he wasn't watching where he was going, and ran straight into someone. "Hey!" The someone cried. "Watch where you're goin', I'm walkin' here!"

Benjamin looked down to see a brunet with hair falling over one eye. The boy's visible eye was bright, piercing blue. As the boy saw that the Prince was the one standing over him, he immediately regretted his choice in words.

The boy had a funny accent, and even in his absolute terror, Benjamin could see a gutsy, insecure, but nonetheless wonderful personality peeking through.

The whole road had gone silent, scared for the young man on the ground. Benjamin however, wasn't looking at the boy in anger, but rather scrutinizing him.

Benjamin crouched down and offered his hand to the boy. "I assume you know my name," he said. "But may I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"

"J-Jay Taylor," the boy replied, ever-so-cautiously taking his hand. "Your Highness."

"No need for that Jay," Benjamin responded. "Now, would you maybe like to get to know each other a little better?"

Jay's eye widened and he looked up at the Prince as he pulled him to his feet. "I-I guess that's fine," he said.

Benjamin smiled. "Jay, tell me this, ever thought about being a royal?" His voice lowered as he looked directly into the smaller boy's eyes. "Specifically, Queen?"

Jay looked up at him, his face blank. "Wait, what?"

Maybe it was a longing for rebellion, maybe it was just a gut feeling, but Benjamin wanted this boy to be his Queen.

Technically, Prince Consort, but never mind the details.

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