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The Kingdom of Spades never missed a chance to host a big event, but being the most powerful in the land meant that everything had to be perfect.

Diamonds had used to be the same way, but then their money started running out, and they had no choice but to cut back on the wild parties and extravagant feasts.

So now the best parties were always in Spades, but it required a level of class that the family made sure to uphold.

Caroline and Cliff had been woken early in the morning in their separate rooms and lead down to rooms beside the Grand Hall, where the wedding would take place.

The Prince had been dressed in his typical formal attire, complete with the military medals from the war with Rio Sur - a country to the south of the Four Kingdoms that they had warred with three years ago - and his crown.

Cliff hated his crown. It was heavy and bulky, and it really messed up his hair. He could only imagine how bad the King's crown would be.

Meanwhile, Caroline had been dressed in a long gown that covered her arms and neck in lace. Her maids had curled her hair into ringlets and made her look like a Queen should, but all she did was doubt.

She was only nineteen, how on earth could she be Queen? And to top it off, she had no idea how to run a country or where to even start.

Cliff would be so disappointed...

Caroline paced the floor, resisting the urge to bite her lip since her maids would only chastise her for ruining her makeup.

She gnawed on the inside of her cheek until it was rough and bloodied, instantly regretting it when she remembered she had to kiss him.

Caroline threw her hands up in the air. "I'm going to be an awful Queen," she muttered.

"Well if you're having doubts," a voice said. "I'd be happy to take your place."

Caroline looked back to see Princess Ella, Cliff's sister. She raised an eyebrow and gave her a questioning glance.

Ella realized what she had said. "Oh god, not like that," she said. "I meant I'll be Queen and you and Cliff can go have a happy little cottage in the woods. That really came out wrong didn't it?"

Caroline laughed a little. "It did," she answered. "But...what are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured you'd be having doubts," she replied. "So I'm here to help. Y'know, since Cliff can't see you before the wedding."

The shorter girl sighed. "I just...I'm nineteen. Am I really ready to be Queen?"

"Not at all," Ella said. "I'm nineteen, and all I've been thinking is 'thank god it's not me'."

Caroline glared. "Thanks for the encouragement."

"No problem," she answered. "But listen, it's not that bad. You've got countless advisors, and guess who your military advisor is?" She grinned brightly and showed Caroline a pin on her dress, that Caroline now realized was a uniform.

"Oh wow, Cliff made you the Ace?"

She nodded. "And Abby's the Jack. She's really excited, as am I."

Caroline sighed. "Well at least someone is." She sat down on the chair in front of the vanity.

Ella crouched in front of her and took her hands. "Caroline, everyone starts off a little rusty. No one is perfect on their first day, and yeah, you're probably gonna make mistakes. But what makes you a good Queen is fixing those mistakes, or at least trying your damnedest to."

The green eyed girl blinked back tears. "But...what if I mess up and Cliff hates me for it?"

Ella laughed a little. "That's not something you need to be worried about. My brother's an idiot, but he's not enough of an idiot to hold a grudge. Unless it's Benjamin Meyer, then all bets are off."

Caroline giggled. "So you really think I'll be a good Queen?"

"Honey, I know so," she said. "Now you go out there and you make that boy fall head over heels for you all over again."

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