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Currently, Hearts was the best Kingdom to live in, and everyone knew that.

The economy was well off, the rulers were fair, and the security was top notch. So it was quite the shock when Princess Judy decided to have her wedding outdoors.

It wasn't common for the royal family to see the public face to face, typically reserving any events for television.

Princess Judy was the first Princess in almost ten generations to have a public wedding.

The public liked to credit it to the fact that she was marrying a baker. Most of the castle security wasn't worried about any kind of danger or assassination attempts, since the public was so happy with the ruling.

So as Princess Judy walked down the petal strewn aisle to where Eli stood, security was lazy.

They didn't see the handful of Jokers standing in the bushes.

Of course, the Jokers had no intention of killing the Princess or her fiancé. Not yet at least.

They came to finish the job that their friends had failed to do.

The first Joker, a blond by the name of Roger, smiled happily as he shot the bullet that struck the King.

Security panicked, and cries of alarm came from all guess. Especially from the Queen, as she kneeled at her husband's side, clutching his hand like a life line and trying to stem the blossom of blood on his chest.

Judy had thrown her bouquet and veil aside and was kneeling, crying over her dying father. "Papa!" she cried. "Please, you can't!"

A guard tried to pull Judy away from her dying father, but she screamed in refusal, wanting to stay. She wanted to protect her father. She wanted to help him.

Her mother went peacefully, seemingly being sent into shock, but Judy had to be dragged away, fighting the guard, staring helplessly at the King and the doctor that was trying to help him.

Roger aimed for the Queen, but it seemed he couldn't get a good shot through the guards. He cursed, but left it alone. One was enough. Now all four Kingdoms would have new heads.
Judy was set down on a bench inside the castle, maids instantly bustling around her to help her out of her blood stained dress.

"Get away!" she snarled at them. The maids backed away.

One brave maid, just a girl, stepped forward. "Is there anything we can get you, Your Highness?"

Judy's chest heaved, her throat was dry. "Eli," she said. "No, a girl. Abigail, Taelyn, anyone! I want, a royal. Or a royal wife, I don't care! Get me...get me Clifford's new fiancée, see if I give two shits!"

The maids looked amongst themselves, before a blonde one sighed and walked out of the castle doors.

She came back moments later with the brunette Queen-to-be in tow. The girl sat next to Judy, slightly awkwardly.

Judy hugged her, although she didn't even know her name. The girl was tense, but Judy felt her slowly reach and arm around her.

As the Princess of Hearts cried into a stranger's shoulder, the stranger slowly relaxed and rubbed her back. "It's going to be okay," she eventually spoke. Judy found her words drifting through her mind like honey, or a sweet song.

"D-Do you think so?" she stammered.

"I know so," she whispered. "There's been a lot of these problems this week, don't worry. Everything is going to be okay, I swear."

Judy nodded and pulled away slowly. "Maid, I want my fiancé."

The brunette stood to leave, but Judy stopped her. "Wait! What's your name?"

The girl turned back and smiled. "Caroline. Caroline Wri- Clark." She giggled. "Better get used to that I guess."

Judy nodded. "I'll see you soon Princess Caroline."

Caroline shook her head. "I'm not a Princess yet."

The blonde smiled slightly. "Well you could've fooled me."

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