The Ball

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Caroline turned in the mirror, looking at herself. "You look fine dear," her mother said. "Would you like me to tie your hair up?"

"No, it's fine," she answered. "Leave it down." The young girl turned in the mirror again, biting her lip. "Are you sure I should go?"

"Yes!" The woman insisted. "Of course you should go! And don't bite your lip, you'll make it bleed."

Caroline sighed and paced across the floor, watching as her sandals slapped against the rotting wood. Her mother had spent so much on this dress. A whole month's pay just to buy it.

With a sigh - this one of exasperation - her mother walked over to her and put a hand under her chin. Even though Caroline was taller, she still did this, as if she was making the young girl look up at her.

"You look absolutely beautiful," she whispered. "Any man - even a Prince - would be an idiot not to choose you. Besides, even if he doesn't choose you, the experience will be wonderful!"

"Experience can't help us," she muttered, looking down. "Why would he choose a Four when there are Nines and Tens who actually know how to act? They'll probably have full length ball gowns, this dress barely even touches my knees!"

Caroline paced the floor yet again. "Dammit Caroline," the older woman whispered. "You're gonna be late! Lemme tell you what, I'll give you this." She took off a gold necklace and stepped behind the girl to clasp it behind her neck. "It's a good luck charm, and if he marries ya, you can keep it."

Caroline sighed. "Fine," she groaned. "But I don't see how he will."

"If he's having a ball, clearly it means he's not interested in the high class girls he sees everyday!" She stated. "Get out there and at least try. Carolina Wright, I'm gonna see you as Princess one day."

She smiled and shook her head. "Whatever you say Mom," she replied.
Cliff looked around, unable to find a single woman that he actually liked from this distance. Everyone he could see was wearing flashy dresses and gaudy jewelry, clearly only interested in the fame and money.

He even saw a girl wearing a silvery headband, clearly mimicking the headband the future Queen of Spades wore. She probably thought it made her look like a Princess. He thought it made her look conceited and disrespectful.

"That's a lot of girls," Abby said as she stood next to him. "Think you can find one you like?"

"Well, I certainly hope so," Cliff answered, leaning against the railing. The balcony he stood on was high above the ballroom, a set of stairs connecting the two. "If I can't, then I don't really know what to do."

His sister nodded, looking around. "Some of these people look absolutely ridiculous," she stated. "I mean look at that one! She looks like an ad from the late twenty-first century! How tacky!"

"Abigail," he scolded. "You should know better than to gossip. Although, I did see a couple girls who have no idea what the word 'class' means."

She giggled. "Honestly, when are people going to learn that the Diamonds Kingdom is the one for extravagance."

"Exactly," he replied, adjusting his tie. "Meanwhile, our Kingdom is about class and elegance. I'd love to see someone here who looks simple and beautiful."

"Well, what about her?" Abby asked, pointing to a small figure that had just entered the ballroom below. "She doesn't seem to be wearing anything extravagant. Go check it out, come on."

He sighed. "Alright," he said. "I'll go down there for a little, but if I get attacked by women longing to be rich and famous, I may cry."

"Aw, poor little entitled Prince."

Cliff walked down the stairs, walking out onto the ballroom floor, where he was instantly swarmed by girls. He slowly weaved his way out of them, trying to protect himself. He didn't trust these girls very much, and he was afraid one of them would try to nick a cufflink or his signet ring.

Ever so slowly, he snaked his way out of the crowd and made his way to the back wall. There, he found a fairly petite girl with long brown waves down her back.

"Hello," he said. The girl jumped and turned to him, her eyes widening as she realized who he was. She sank in a low curtesy, and he cringed. "Come now, no need for that."

She looked up and blushed, standing up. He noticed her fiddling with the charm around her neck, a small golden bird.

He wasn't positive if she was what he was looking for, but his parents had told him to meet someone new. Someone smart, classy, and kind. He cleared his throat, resisting the urge to run a hand through his hair. "Would you like to dance?"

The girl looked up and gave him a soft smile. She had the most beautiful entrancing green eyes. "We don't even know each other yet Your Highness," she said.

"Please," he answered, taking her hand. "Call me Cliff. And what may I call you?"

"Caroline," she replied. "Caroline Wright."

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