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Caroline startled awake as the door was slammed open. She sat up, covering her chest with a blanket. Cliff was sitting up as well, looking at the guard who was standing in the doorway.

"Your Majesty," the guard said, looking at the young Prince with terror in his own face. "There has been an incident."

"What kind of incident?" Cliff asked, grabbing his glasses from the table as well as his robe. "Why aren't you talking to my parents?"

The guard swallowed hard. "That's part of the problem, Your Majesty."

Cliff shook his head. "Back up, first off, why are you calling me 'Your Majesty'?" As he finished the question, a realization came to him. The Prince dashed out of the room, leaving Caroline confused and concerned. She stood, pulling on her own robe and tried to chase after him, but the guard stopped her.

"Ma'am, I'd advise you not to go out there," the guard said warily.

"And I'd advise you not to tell me what to do," Caroline snapped. "Now move!"

The guard shook his head. "Until your marriage to His Majesty I have no obligations to follow your orders. Stay here."

Caroline stomped her foot. "Let me go!" She yelled. "I want to know what happened!"

The guard shook his head yet again. "Ma'am, I cannot let you out there! It's dangerous!"

"Then why is he going out there?!"


"Guard!" A sharp voice yelled. Caroline moved away from the door. As the guard shifted to the side, she saw Cliff, standing there as a practically different person.

The brunette shuffled backwards a little as Cliff stepped through the door. "I would suggest you refrain from ordering her around," he snapped to the guard. "It'll be good practice. Now leave us. As for you," he turned to Caroline. "Don't try to go chasing after me. If you got hurt, it would be the end of my world."

The guard had walked off, and Cliff closed the door. He turned back to Caroline, who was still looking at him fearfully. "Cliff...?" She whispered. "What happened?"

The Prince pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close as he shook with sobs. "They're gone," he whimpered. "Both of them, dead."

Realization dawned on her, and Caroline wrapped her arms around him. "Oh Cliff," she whispered. "I...I'm so sorry. What happened?"

He simply cried harder as he hugged her tighter. "Okay," she whispered in the same soothing tone. "Okay, okay. Sit down darlin', sit back down." She gently pushed him back onto the bed, kneeling next to him. Carefully, she removed his glasses and brushed hair out of his face, getting him to look at her.

"It's gonna be okay sugar," she whispered. "We'll handle this. You've got me, Ella, and Abby to help you through." She rubbed his shoulders gently as he looked at her with sad blue eyes.

"I-I'm not ready," he choked. "I'm not ready to be King...I-I'm only twenty-one, I'm not ready Caroline!"

"Sh, it's okay," she continued to soothe him. "That's why I'm here. I'm going to help you rule, it's what I'm here for."

Caroline leaned forward and kissed him gently. "Cliff, it's gonna be okay."

Cliff sniffed, still shaking with uncontrollable sobs. "O-Okay..." he answered. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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