Chapter 3:Help me

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Scarlett Pov
As I scream I realized Luke wasn't in the room any more did he leave I tried to get out of the tan ropes that was tight and blood and bruises was coming out underneath the ropes. I was out of the ropes finally I slowly and quality getting up of the bed so I couldn't make any noises.
Kevin's Pov
I cheated on my wife I felt really bad but I couldn't tell her I know she has been through alot I was sating on a chair looking out of my window seeing Paris then I turn around to see the girl from yesterday night. She then whispered into my ear saying "Don't worry I won't tell her" "who" I asked she stared at my hand were my married ring finger was on then she answered in a moody voice " Your wife" she got up and left the apartment.
Scarlett Pov
I quietly went down stairs every step I took was a chance I could die then I went fully down stairs there Luke stand in front of me confused then spoked up "What are you doing my luv are you trying to leave me again" again I thought to myself then I answered " No was just wanted to get in the shower and cook you a meal" I couldn't eat even if I tried I just lied I thought to myself he looked at me and answered "Okay go ahead" he took my lie I went to the bedroom and Luke then was behind me saying "Wear this" holding up a red dress I took it so I couldn't get him mad then I got inside the shower.

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