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She was running through a forest. So many colors-green, gold, and brown- flashed before her eyes. She turned back to look at what she was running from. Not what, who. A large brown wolf.

The wolf's eyes were a dark red. That wasn't normal. Not normal at all. And, it was gaining on her. She pushed her legs to run faster, but she was ready to drop from exhaustion.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a cottage. A cottage in the middle of a forest? What was it doing there? She changed course and ran for the cottage. She was getting closer and closer when... she tripped on a rock. She was sprawled across the grass. The wolf got closer until it was about one meter away. The girl shivered and scooched backward, trying to get away from the large wolf.

"Please, don't hurt me!" the girl's voice shook. The wolf paused as if it had actually heard her. It backed up. Then, before the girl's eyes, it shifted into a human. A naked human, but a human nonetheless. 

"Sweet Eve, that's the least of your worries," he said and chuckled. It was an evil sound that filled the air. The last thing Eve saw before she blacked out, was his face. So beautiful, yet deadly.

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