Chapter 7

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At the top is Chase^^^

"Who's ready to have some fun?" Chase yelled as he walked inside.

"And by that, he means, who's ready to get arrested," Bethany laughed as she came in behind Chase.

"Well, I'm ready to do either," Maria said.

"I prefer not getting arrested," I said.

"Same, I can't be bailing us out again. My parents cut me off. All because I broke THREE 'valuable' vases," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, what do you have planned?" Maria asked.

"You'll see," Chase grinned mysteriously.

"Chase!" Maria groaned.

"It's a surprise, Maria! Deal with it!"

"Oh, I'll 'deal' with it. Right after I lock you in my washing machine and set it on high!" Maria grinned. Chase gulped nervously.

"Let's get going, shall we?" Chase said and rushed out the door. Everyone followed him to his car.

"Now, I need everyone to wear blindfolds," Chase said and held up a bunch of headbands he probably stole from his sister.

"Um, no," Bethany said.

"Yeah, didn't you sister have lice or something?" Derek said, going on the idea that the headbands were Chase's sister's.

"Hey! These aren't Hannah's!" Chase protested.

"Then whose are they?" I asked struggling to keep in my laughter.

"They're... mine," he finally said. The car exploded into laughter.

"Dude! Why would you wear a headband?" Derek gasped.

"Hey, sometimes my hair falls over my eyes!" he growled.

"Sure..." Maria dragged out.

"Okay, I'm going to start driving now," he said quickly, changing the subject. I was sitting in the back with Bethany and Maria while Chase and Derek sat in the front.

"Why'd you call us, Maria?" Bethany asked as they took off. Maria looked at me for permission. I nodded.

"Well, it all started this morning when I called Eve to go on an adventure..."

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