Chapter 5

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"Okay, what movie are we watching?" I asked as I jumped on to Maria's couch.

"I was thinking of having a Disney movie night. What do you think?" she asked picking up the remote.

"Sounds fun," I grinned and pulled the fluffy blankets up to my shoulders. Maria went to Netflix and pressed Mulan.

"You know, everyone thinks that Frozen was the first movie that taught that you didn't need a man, but actually, it was Mulan!" Maria told me as they got to the part when the rice spilled everywhere.

"Really? I didn't know that," I commented and turned my attention back to the screen. We were halfway through the movie when we heard a thump coming from outside. Maria and I looked at each other nervously.

"Um, please tell me you got a dog," I said nervously.

"I wish I could," Maria said back in the same tone.

"Should we check it out or..." I trailed off.

"We probably should," Maria said and got off the couch. I followed her.

"It seemed like it was coming from over here," Maria whispered and pointed towards her bathroom. Maria and I tiptoed towards the bathroom. As we got nearer, I could hear noises from outside the window.

"Clean it up," I heard a voice say. For some reason, it sent tingles up my spine.

"Who's that?" I mouthed to Maria. Maria shrugged and went to stand on the toilet. She pushed back the curtains and gasped.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"It's Alpha Octavian!" Maria said excitedly. "Oh shoot! I think he heard me! Let's go!"

Maria grabbed my hand a raced out of the bathroom. We jumped on to the couch and resumed the movie, trying to act normal. Not even five minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"Uh oh!" Maria muttered.

"I'll get it," I sighed and got up. As I got closer, a mouth-watering smell filled my nose. The person on the other side probably had cookies or a scented candle or something. I placed my hand on the doorknob.

"I know you're there. Open the door now or I will knock it down," the same commanding voice from before said. I took a deep breath then swung the door open.


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