Incisor-boy part 1

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A/N New one-shot, I'm deciding to do a Karry and reader one-shot!!! Hope you like it!
Jess is your best friend :15
Kelsey is Karry's sister, age: 15
Kia is your sister: 14
You are 16(recently turned)
Karry is 17 ( just imagine, I know his 16th birthday only passed recently but just go with me)
Jackson is 16
Roy is also 16

Your Pov:
"I can't believe I won a trip to Chongqing, China!!!!!!!!" you screamed into your iPhone 6+
( imagine you are extremely rich in this one-shot)
"Ah!!!! Y/n ( for readers that don't know what y/n means it means your name, very important)!! Are you trying to make me go deaf!?!?!!" Jess screamed back
"Sorry" you said sheepishly, but in your head this was what you were thinking:
Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might see the TFBOYS!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!
"Hey, hey y/n you still here??" Jess asked
"Of course but if you don't mind, imma play some TFBOYS"
"Yas do it Gurl!! Put on Happy Island or 快乐环岛!!!" ( BTW guys, Jess like you is a hardcore TFBOYS fangirl so she's pumped like you)

"Yes that's it! I was thinking the exact same thing!"
"I'm coming over later k?"
"Yes please! Come over! Kia is so annoying since she has been blabbing on and on about her fav kpop group called EXO"
"*gasps* she knows EXO?!?!! You have to listen to them too! I'm telling you, right here and now that they are freaking awe-"
"Enough of that, I might so Karry, Jackson and Roy!!!!!"
"If you do get autographs from them!!!! Get an extra for me from Roy okay?? I just freaking love that cute thing!"
"Yea of course I will duh! I ain't your best friend for a reason!"

After dinner:
You decided to wear a flowy blue shirt to the airport since you leave tomorrow.
*knock knock*
"Who is it?"
"Jess, DUH!"
You open the door for her and say
"What should I pack????"
"you haven't packed yet" she screeched at you
"Nope and you do realize you sound so much like a mom right now"
"LOL that's so true, but seriously go pack, I'll help."

After packing:
(sorry for so many time skips)
"Whew, I'm finally done!!" you say
"Not yet,"
*raises eyebrow*
"What do you mean not yet?"
"The pictures of Karry, Jackson and Roy, woman what are you gonna give them to sign then?"
"Oh my god, you're right. God, I'm so dumb right now"
You stuff six pictures into a folder since Jess also wanted signatures.

At the airport the next morning:

You drag yourself to the waiting line for the plane since you came here late. You saw many girls and heard way too many screams. This scared you since you didn't know what was happening. It was a bad thing that you were in the first class line since there were so many girls pushing to get ahead of you. You try to walk forward and a girl decides to trip you.
Before your face met the cold hard floor, you felt someone's hand around your wrist. You opened your eyes to see your face just millimeters away from the floor.

You stood up to say thanks but the person wasn't there anymore.
You got on the plane and as you fell asleep, one question lingered on your mind:

Who was this mysterious person that helped you up?

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