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Guys, I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in like forever. This is because recently I had like what, a bazillion tests (just kidding). But I really had a lot to study for this week. I got back my science quiz today and I did poorly. :(
Well, I will be updating very soon hopefully!

Once again I'm sooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooo sorry..... please accept my apology!

Thanks to everyone reading my book, love you all!!!!

*also support EXODUS-KLM* <-- they're my friends so yea :)*

I wonder when TF will release a new song...

Please share this story with other four leaf clovers!!! ( LOL shamelessly promoting myself *smiles sheepishly*)

Plus Happy Thanksgiving, hope your teachers didn't give you tons of homework like me!
Comment if your teacher gave tons of homework or none at all

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