JEALOUSY: A Karry one-shot

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A/N Hey!!!!! I'm back with another chapter.
Warning: this chapter has some feels, prepare yourself for some fluff and maybe some anger.
BTW this is Karryxreader

Your POV:
I can't believe Karry and I got in another argument, again! And it's always because of his stupid career as an idol. What happened to the old, cheerful and dorky Karry that I knew. After a couple years, he completely changed. Arghhhhh, I wish I knew what was going on.

Karry and I met when we were just toddlers, our parents were best friends so naturally they wanted their kids to be married to each other. They had us together all the time. I always thought that Karry was a sweet and loving boy. As he grew older, his looks and attitude changes. What can I say? He became hotter and a bit more cold towards people that he hated.

This time we were arguing about how his career stopped him from seeing me most of the time. Long-distance just wasn't cutting it for me. Although Karry was also just a phone call, text message, video call or voice call away, that didn't satisfy you. Everyday your friends would be off talking about how lovely and handsome their boyfriends were while you sulked.

You thought about how much you missed him despite your recent argument. You went on Weibo and you saw that there was a new MV.
Did they make a new song already? They have only left for a month, how is this even possible? On the cover of the MV, you saw a girl and Karry next to each other. You balled your fists together as this made you jealous. Here you were in the United States whereas your boyfriend is off in Chongqing, China with another girl. You looked up pictures of this girl and saw that she was a model. She was ( to you) way prettier and slimmer. You couldn't believe that Karry already moved on. You didn't even break up and you always got in small, ridiculous arguments.

You couldn't watch the MV as just looking at it made you want to throw up. You decided to call Roy as he was Karry's younger brother and your BFF.

When you were younger, you didn't know you had two people liking you. One was obviously Karry but unknowingly the other one was Roy. Roy wasn't just an ordinary friend, like Karry, you guys met at an extremely young age.

*Calls Roy*

"Hello? Roy is that you?" you asked nervously
"What's up y/n?"
"How's the new MV?" you said shaking
"Um, I think you're gonna have to see it yourself. But I'll sing the song for you."
"Thank you but I just have one question." Roy hesitated for a moment for before saying
"What's the question?"
"Why is Karry with another girl? Am I not good enough for him anymore?" you could hear him fidgeting in the background.
"I have to go bye!"
"Bu-" he hung up leaving you hanging.
"You didn't answer my question."

You decided that it wasn't worth living anymore. You didn't have Karry by your side anymore.
Karry was with someone better.
No one cared about you.
This is it you thought, no one care anyways. I'm just a nobody. Karry probably hates me. ( when the words are like this it means you are thinking this!)

You walked out of the house, saying goodbye to everyone for the last time. You called Roy but he didn't answer. You left it at voice-mail and said
"Hey Roy, it's y/n. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. Tell Karry I still love him to death although he probably doesn't care anymore. Tell Jackson to keep dancing and loving Rikkulama. Goodbye, I'll be watching over you guys".( you kept at voice-mail so Roy could hear everything)

You walked out on the street on a red light purposely doing this. You see a big truck, way taller than you are. This it it.

You hear people yelling at you but you wait for the impact. It goes faster since the driver cannot see you. You see it a few feet away so you brace yourself. You feel the instant pain but you welcomed the darkness that enveloped you.

A/N I will leave the rest to your imagination. I will update very soon. Please leave requests in the comments or PM me if you want a one-shot. If you do, please leave a name, which person, and what you want the plot to be ( sad, romantic, jealousy, etc.)
Thank you everyone reading!!!

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