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Dear diary,
Today something happened. I won't tell you if it's good or bad yet, you'll figure it out.  It all started with Roy waking up early to cook breakfast for me since it was my birthday/our 5th anniversary. After the surprise breakfast, he blindfolded me and drove me to a park. He told me to just trust him. He led me out the car carefully and once my feet touched the grass, I knew we were at a park.
Roy told Karry and Jackson that he was planning something and they both were waiting with their respective girlfriends. He then finally takes off my blindfold and I gasp. Not like the cute and quiet lady gasp but like a full out gasp. Around the park were balloons of my favourite colours and streamers. There was a huge cake about the size of my head sitting on a bench. Like do you even know how big that is? All of a sudden, I see Roy bend down on his knee. I thought omg is he PROPOSING???? He whips out a velvet box and says "y/n, we've been together now for 5 years. I love you and I think we are ready for the next step in our relationship." He opens the box and reveals a...........
oreo??? I slapped him on the chest wondering if all of this was a setup. I couldn't believe it, I fell for another one of his pranks. I quickly ran and couldn't help but cry because I thought that I was actually going to get married. I heard them faintly laughing and cried even harder. Was this his way of showing me that our relationship was a joke? This was the worst birthday ever. I've had my face smashed into my OWN cake before and that wasn't as bad as this. I heard footsteps running to me and I looked away. I didn't want anyone to see my crying, miserable face. I had pink and puffy eyes along with streaks of mascara freely running down my face. I didn't even want to know who it was. For all I care it could have been some super hot and famous guy but I didn't care. I thought I don't even want to hear his apology. I thought our relationship was important to him. Not something to joke around with. I wanted to say that we were over but I couldn't, I still loved him. I started to stand up, only to fall down because my stupid legs fell asleep. I thought that maybe, if I just lay here, everything will be better. If I just close my eyes and go to sleep. Maybe it was all a dream. I closed my eyes and welcomed the blackness that enveloped me. I felt someone cradle my head and I wanted to jerk away from the person but I couldn't. His touch was so warm and comforting. I peeled my eyes open only to see Roy crying his heart out. I pretended to be unconscious, it wasn't hard as I was already on the verge of fainting. I could hear him mumbling to himself about how I was never going to forgive him and how he messed up really badly. I heard him say a faint sorry and that was when I fainted. My pulse slowed for a moment and I grew cold. I wanted to tell Roy it was okay, that I already forgave him but the dark was so inviting. I tried to open my eyes with no success and I could feel Roy trying to shake me awake. It was such a dull sensation that I had to focus hard on it. My ears heard what was supposed to be a shout become a whisper. Roy was shouting for Karry and Jackson to come and help. I wanted to wake up and see the bright sun in my eyes, not the dark that is slowly becoming ubiquitous. 

                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up seeing white. Completely white. I want to say something but my throat is dry.  What is this place of white? I blink a few times to take in my surroundings. I was lying a hard bed and looking up, my eyes focus to see white tiles. Where am I?  Am I in heaven right now?  I try my best to sit up but I fail. My eyes blur again as someone familiar enters the room. 

"DOCTOR! Y/N IS AWAKE" I know this voice, I love him, he's my everything. 

"Roy?" My voice is crackly and hoarse from disuse. I feel him grasp by hand tightly, not wanting to let go. 


"Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital, you fainted again." Not again, I really should get some new medicine. 

"Can I sit up?" 

"Yes, wait. I'll get a pillow for you." He gets a pillow and puts it behind me. I wince visibly since before I fainted, I collapsed. His face creased with worry and opens his mouth and closes it again. 



"I'm really sorry for what I did before. I didn't mean for this to happen. It was a joke that went really wrong." He starts to cry but continues talking. "I really do love you and understand if you want to break up with me." He stands up, turns around and begins to walk away. I reach out as far as I can and grab his wrist. 

"Don't go. Please." I start to cry believing he was going to leave me forever. I feel his hands wipe the freely running tears from my cheek. "I forgive you, Roy. Please don't leave me, I love you." I say. He pulls me into a tight hug as soon as he hears this. He kisses my forehead and hugs me as if I was his everything.

"I won't leave, ever, I promise." 

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