Chapter 24

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trigger warning: suicide mentions, self harm mentions


When I got home from the sleepover my parents, Normani, and I went to the hospital. I didn't want to go without Normani, and since she was the one to get me cleaned up the day before, my parents didn't have a problem with it. It turned out that I had a very small crack in one of my ribs, but I was going to be okay. My parents tried to convince me that I didn't need to go to school, but I wanted to. I couldn't just miss school because of this. It would just be more stressful for me, trying to catch up on the missed work. When Monday morning rolled around, my parents went with me first thing to see the principal. At first, he didn't believe me. But eventually Austin and Adrienne got a week long suspension. I didn't really think that was long enough, but it was all they were getting.

The week was definitely one of the more peaceful ones I've had. I didn't have much to worry about. A lot of people were asking me about my bruises, because my face was still far too sensitive to cover it with makeup. I didn't necessarily like the attention I was getting. It was uncomfortable to have everyone staring at me while I walked through the hallways. I didn't cut myself once throughout the course of the week. Nothing was triggering me, nothing was making me feel worthless and pathetic. I was actually feeling happy, and I didn't want that feeling to go away.

Once the next week started though, my anxiety spiked. I was not ready to face Austin or Adrienne. When I got to school on the Monday that they were returning, I felt sick to my stomach. I had to go though. Hopefully the suspension would have given them a reality check, showing them that what they've been doing to me isn't okay.

I headed into the bathroom before my second class started. After I came out of the stall, I went to wash my hands when the door opened. Adrienne walked in, and all of the colour drained from my face.

"Lauren," she said, approaching the counter with her makeup bag.

"Sorry, I'm.. I'm on my way out," I said softly, going to get some paper towels to dry my hands.

"I can't believe you got me suspended."

"You should be able to," I told her, lifting up my shirt to show her the skin that was still bruised, "You and Austin are lucky you only got a week for cracking my rib and giving me all sorts of bruises," I told her, shrugging slightly.

"You deserved that, Lauren!" she snapped.

"For what? For the Tumblr post? That was hardly anything to get that worked up about!"

"For everything! Everything is your fault, it was back in Miami, and it is here!" she hissed.

"When I came here, it was because you told everyone about me! You told them I was cutting, you told them I was suicidal. I didn't do anything to you, I didn't deserve that," I whispered, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall just from the memory of that.

Adrienne grabbed my by the front of my shirt and pushed me up against the wall. I tried prying off each of her fingers, but she was strong. I was bracing myself for whatever she was going to do to me. It wasn't going to be good, it never was. Her eyes locked on mine, filled with anger and sadness. I didn't understand why there was any sadness in her eyes. She was awful to me, she didn't have a reason to be feeling like that.

She let go of my shirt, but her hands came up to cup my cheeks. Adrienne's lips were on mine, and my eyes widened. I pushed her back, feeling absolutely mortified. She slammed her hands down against the wall angrily, picked up her makeup bag, and turned to me.

"I hate you," I snapped.

"Keep your mouth shut, got it?" she hissed. "Tell nobody."

I nodded slowly, and she ran out. I couldn't keep my mouth shut though. I couldn't keep this from Normani, she needed to know. I pulled out my phone as I walked away from the school, and sent her a quick text, telling her to meet me by the tree in the park where we had shared our first kiss. I made my way there and sat down. Within minutes I saw her approaching, and I thought was going to end up losing her. I didn't want her to break up with me for this. I got so mad when I saw the picture of her and Austin, I couldn't imagine her being calm about Adrienne kissing me.

"Hey.. Why'd you want to meet me here?" she asked, sitting down.

"I.. I h-have something to tell you," I told her, staring at my lap. "You know how much I like you, right? Please don't doubt that I do, but I.. It.."


"Adrienne kissed me," I told her, and I watched her face change from concerned to angry.

"What the hell, Lauren? Why were you two kissing?" she asked me angrily, standing up.

I stood up too, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know what happened, she grabbed my shirt and held me up against the wall and then kissed me. I pushed her off and she told me not to tell anyone, but I had to tell you."

"Do you want her instead?" she asked, looking up at me sadly.

"No, Mani," I said, taking both of her hands in mine, "I only want you. I just didn't want to keep secrets from you."

"I appreciate that.. I'm so mad though, that bitch is really asking to get her ass beat." she muttered.

"I know.. I'm so sorry, babe," I told her.

Normani pulled me in for a hug, and we sat back down. Neither of us said anything, we just sat there together quietly until it was time for our next class to start. I asked her not to tell the girls about it, and she agreed. The less people to know, the better.

The next day I got to school, and something felt off. The flag wasn't flying quite as high, it fact, it was only raised half way. I walked into the building, and everyone seemed to be feeling low. I didn't know what was going on. On my way to class, I passed by Ally, and I walked alongside her to get to the music room.

"What's going on? Why is everyone so.. quiet?" I asked.

"You haven't heard?" she asked.

I shook my head, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Adrienne's dead, Lauren."


a/n: I'm sure you guys probably weren't expecting Adrienne to be dead. More details to come in the next chapters. This one might have seemed a bit rushed, so I apologize for that. But I hope you enjoyed, and the next chapter will be out.. well, whenever I write it~

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