Thursday:Family Drama

223 11 7

Louis's POV

I woke up with a migraine from the night before, after I rolled out of bed I went down stairs

"Hey dad"

"Oh hey son, how was the game ?" My dad asked

"Great we won then we went to Dave &Busters to celebrate" I replied

"That's great son" he said getting up to hug me

"Hey dad I'm going over to Zayn and Jade's Monday, ok?"

"Uhh yeah why Monday?"

"Because there parents are going out of town and Jade hates being there alone at night"

"Son I know you don't want hear this but it's only a matter of time before she breaks your heart"

"Dad, stop why do you hate her so much ?" I ask

"I don't hate her son I just don't want to see you heartbroken because of her"

"She not going to break my heart, dad I love her and she loves me"

"Now but what about next month she could meet another guy or she could even get back together with Sam, I think you should breakup with her now before she breaks up with you"

At the sound of that name made me clench my jaw

"She would never get back together with him, dad I love and respect you but you need to back off of her" I spat

"I don't trust her, just look who her dad is"

"Just because you don't like her dad doesn't mean she going break my heart"

"And you have no right, she makes me happy why can't you just accept that, dad"

"Son I'm just try.."

"I don't have time for this I need to get to school" I spat cutting him off, I storm out side and into my car then drive to school.

(His car is in the picture)

(Jade's POV in parentheses)

When I get to school I see Jade waiting for me at the front stairs.

"Hey baby" I say walking up to her

"Hey how did you sleep?" She asked

"Good thanks for taking me home" I replied sounding a little aggravated

"No problem, are you ok you seam a little mad"

(I could tell he was aggravated)

"Yeah, no it's just my dad and I got into it this morning"

"Oh, it was about me wasn't it?" She asked giving me a sad face

(I knew it was about me his dad hated me)

"No it wasn't, it was just my dad being stupid" I replied trying to comfort her

"Yes it was, don't lie to me, please"

(I needed to know what he said about me)

"Ok, yeah it was"

"What did he say about me?"

"Nothing worth bringing up"

"Please baby I need to know"

"Why ?, it's only going to hurt you"

"Please baby"

"He said your going to leave me heartbroken......that you don't care about me...and you must probably going to get back together with Sam and that I should just break up with you now" I said giving in but instantly regretted it.

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