A Kiss Goodnight

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Jade's POV

After are disaster dates the rest of the weekend was pretty calm. Today I woke up to my parents telling me to come eat, which is weird considering their not suppose be here, after I got dressed I went to the kitchen.

"Hey mommy daddy good morning" I said kissing them each on the cheek

"Good morning sweetheart" my mother replied

"Don't take this the wrong way but why are you here?" I asked taking a bite of my eggs

"Yeah I thought you and dad were going on so business trip?" Zayn said walking in

"Oh no that's tomorrow" my dad replied

"Ok, hey can we still have our party but tomorrow instead?" I asked

"Yeah just not to big" my mother replied

"Oh we won't it's just going to be Louis, Jesy, Niall, Liam, Haz, Pez, Leigh, Lauren and Camilla" I replied

"Hey Jade do you need a ride or is Lou picking you up?" Zayn asked

"Yeah, Louis can't pick me up today" I replied

"Ok we're leaving in five because I have to pick up Pez"

"Ok, I'm almost done" I replied. After breakfast I ran upstairs to brush my teeth.

"Come on Jade, lets go"I hear Zayn yell

"Ok, ok I'm coming" I ran downstairs (tripping of course) then grabbed my bag and headed outside to Zayn's car.

"Took you long enough" he replied then driving off

"Woah speedy slow down, it's only 15 minutes to Perrie's" I utter trying to get my seat belt on.

"Sorry I just don't her dad to have another reason to despise me" he replied slowing down. "How do you do it?" He asked

"Do what?" I replied putting my lipstick on.

"Deal with Louis's dad, how he constantly insults you, how he tells Lou to breakup with you" he replied, I could see tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Hey come on its ok, dad didn't like Perrie remember?" I ask trying to calm him down.

"Yeah but dad changed, he likes Perrie and he never told me to breakup with her or insulted her"

"He'll change his mind, don't worry and pez loves you"

"Yeah your right, like always" he replied.

As we pulled into Perrie's driveway, I moved to the back so she could sit next to Zayn.

"Hey Pez"

"Oh hey Jade, Lou didn't pick you up today?" She asked getting into the car

"Nah he had to do something with his dad" I replied

"Oh, hey baby" she said kissing Zayn

"Hey, did you forget your bag?" Zayn asked

"Oh no, I left my bag at Jesy's when I went over to study, she's bringing it for me"

"Hey guys Leigh just texted me, her car wouldn't start and she needs us to pick her up" I said reading the text.

"Ok tell her we'll be right there" Zayn replied driving towards Leigh's house. When we got there Zayn went to get her but she was already outside.

"Hey Leigh" I said moving to the next seat so she could get in.

"Hey guys, thanks for picking me up" she replied buckling in.

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