What Happened?

253 8 13

This chapter is just in Jesy's and Niall's Pov.

Niall's POV

"How could she do that to me..........with him I was gone for just a second" I scream


"and ever since that night Jade and I have been friends"

" Wow sounds like you guys are really good friends" Jake replied

"Yeah the best I really love her, hey baby I'll be right back"

"Ok we'll be right here" she replied

I walk to the bathroom and see a line, afterward I decided grab Jesy and I some punch. As I walk back to the room I dropped both our punches when I see my girlfriend, my everything, the person I want to spend ever second of every day with kissing another guy.

"No I have a boyfriend" Jesy said pushing Jake awake, but he pulls her back.

" What the hell" I grabbed Jake by the neck and punched him then Jesy screams


I don't know why but the only place I could think to go was the park where I took Jesy for our first date, the whole ride there all I did was curse Jake's name. when I got there I walked to the swings and broke down, I was crying like a baby when Zayn and the guys showed up.

"How did you know I would be here" I asked wiping my tears away

"because I know you, whenever you and Jes get into a fight you always come to the park and sit on the swings, because this is the exact spot where you fell in love with Jes" Zayn replied

"Are you alright mate?" Harry asked

"No, all I want to do is bash Jake's head in" I replied

"so what happened?" Louis asked

"I don't know, I went to the bathroom then I walked back to them and I saw him kissing her, she told him to stop but he didn't and next thing I know he's on the floor and my hand hurts" I said laughing about that last part.

"Yeah you punched him pretty hard mate, I think you knocked him out" Harry replied

"just go's to show you, don't screw with an Irishman, here we stopped and got you ice" Lou tossed me a small bag of ice.

"Thanks" I replied putting the bag on my bright red hand.

"Where's Jesy?"

"She's with the girls, do you wanna go see her?" Zayn asked

"No, I want to calm down before I do, I know how much she hates when I yell, I scared her didn't I, when I left" I asked remembering that I yelled at her when I left.

"Yeah mate you did, but it's understandable" Louis replied

"There's no excuse for scaring the woman I love, you of all people Louis should know how bad it feels to have the woman you love scared of you"

"yeah you feel like crap" Louis replied looking at the ground

"oh come on why are you guys moping, lets just go to Niall's and play some halo and order a pizza" Zayn put out his hand to help me up of the ground.

"I'm glad you just invited yourself to my house Zayn" I replied grabbing his hand

"Hey your house is my house, now lets go I hear Halo calling our names"

"ok lets go"

"Hey Niall can I ride with you, Zayn's diving scares me" Harry asked

"yeah sure come on" I motion him over

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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