Hospitals and Jail cells

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Don't look at. The picture yet

Perrie's POV

The whole ride home all my dad did was yell, when we got home I went straight to my room, I really didn't feel like listening to my dad yell anymore. When I go t to my room I plopped on my bed and checked my phone to see if I had any messages, I did all from Jesy, Leigh, and Jade. I decided to read Leigh's first.

Leigh: "Perrie don't freak out but me and Haz are in the hospital" I had to read that message twice to make sure I was reading it right. I ran down stairs and told my parents,then we ran to the car and drove to the hospital, while we we're diving there I decided to read the rest of my messages.

Jesy: "Niall's arm caught on fire on the way to hospital" ok next message

Jade: "Uhh help Lou in jail need 250 for bail but I don't want to leave him here" great well this date night was a complete bust I sure hope Lauren and Liam's date went better then ours did. I decided to text Zayn about Jade.

Perrie: "Hey babe Lou's in jail and Jade doesn't want to leave him to get bail money" after a few seconds he texted back.

Zayn: "What where are you?

Perrie: "On the way to the hospital with my parents"

Zayn: "Why?

Perrie: "Because Leigh, Haz, and Nialler are there, listen you should go to the station and check on Jade and Louis"

Zayn: "Ok I'll text you when I get there"

When we got to the hospital my parents ran in to check on Harry but I decided to see where Leigh was.

"Umm excuse me where is Leigh-Anne Pinnock's room?" I asked the woman at the front desk

"Um let me have a look" the women replied looking at her computer for a few seconds

"It looks like she's in room 315, just go down the hall 5th door on your left" she replied

"Thank you" I started to run towards Leigh's room, when I got there I saw she was sitting in a chair.

"Hey super cluts " I said walking into the room

"Hey yourself and FYI your brothers the cluts not me" she replied with a smile

"So what's wrong with you ? are you dying or not?" I asked looking at her

"No, I just twisted my ankle and it hurts like a you know what" she replied grabbing her ankle

"Here let me help you" I said taking her ankle and healing it

"Thanks Pez that's so much better" she replied getting up and hugging me

"So where Haz?" She asked

"He's down the hall, but first we should go check on Niall first" I replied, then I see Leigh's eyes widen

"What?....what happened to Niall?" She asked

"Apparently he caught his are in fire"

"Oh well I guess we should go check on him first" she replied. I texted Jesy to see where they were.

Perrie: What room is he in?

Jesy: room 415

Perrie: Ok

"He's on the next floor" I tell Leigh putting my phone in my pocket. We walked to the elevator and went to the next floor, then we walked into Niall's room to see his whole right arm covered in bandages.

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