Not Your Average Rockstar Ch. 2

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We arrived in L.A. a couple hours later.  I can't believe I'm here and going talk to a rep from Columbia Records.  How awesome is that?!  After getting our bags and getting in the rental car, we headed over to the company.  I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on around me, I just kept taking pictures of everything relishing in the moment.

A few minutes we pulled up to this huge building.  When we got out I saw the sign on the front that said 'Columbia Records'.  I snapped a picture, grabbed a hold of my mom, and dragged her inside.  The receptionist looked at us like we were foreigners, but once Mr. Greenburg came out, it was like she was this innocent person. Hmm two-faced much?

He led us upstairs to the big conference room where we would be meeting the people who decided my fate.  No pressure or anything.  We entered the room and right away I felt like I was going to puke.  What can I say, I'm nervous as hell meeting these people.

"So Miss Landry, Mr. Greenburg here has told us all about you and what amazing talent you possess." Gulp. "And I believe that he is right.  We have seen a video that was taken of you and might I say you have a gift for such a young lady."  

"Thank you."  By this point my hands were sweaty and I'm pretty sure I was hyperventilating.  They kept talking to me and my mom about our background, how I got into music and singing, and all that good stuff.  They were such nice people.  Oh man I hope they like me!

"Mrs. Landry, I know you want the best for your daughter.  And we believe that this company is the right thing for her.  Before this meeting began we were contemplating whether or not to sign your daughter, and I believe that we've come to the conclusion that we would love her to join our company."  

HOLY CRAP I'M GONNA BE SIGNED!!!!  I couldn't help the huge smile that was now officially plastered onto my face. They handed us the contract but it was short lived once my mom started reading it.

"It says here that she'll be under a developmental contract?  What exactly does that mean?  Will she not be writing and recording?"  Who cares, right?!

"This contract is simply intended for young Jami to be introduced to this industry.  She will be recording and writing, but also learning the ins and outs of this business.  We want to mold her into a respectable artist and train her before she records her first record."  Well that doesn't sound too bad.

My mom read every last detail and asked a thousand and one questions about this and that.  And before I knew it I was signed!!  They told us that since I was still in school that I would have to fly out every other weekend to come and work.  Luckily they also said that they would pay the air fare so that was a huge relief to my parents.

We signed the contract and shook everybody's hand and told them we would see them next weekend.

**fast forward a few weeks**

Today I was actually going to be recording.  Actually I was getting a little fed up with this company.  All I would do when I got here would go into vocal lessons and be put into a room with songwriters and told to write.  Hell I couldn't write songs with people hounding me all the time.

As we drove up to the studio I saw some older men walk in with cases and cases of equipment.  I walked in and was greeted by producer.  I didn't bother learning his name because I had this gut feeling that I wasn't going to be seeing much of him.  I was then led to all the older me where I was told that this was my backup band.

"What do you mean backup band? I already have a band."  That earned me a few confused glances.  I told them how I was part of a band back home and how awesome they all were.

Not Your Average RockstarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz