Not Your Average Rockstar Ch. 16

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So it's been a few days.  Arin and the Avenged guys were finally done with their Buried Alive tour and we were finally relaxing in Eunice.  My parents were in LA figuring out things for Christmas which was in just a week.  Speaking of Christmas, I couldn't wait to see all my cousins and family for the holidays.

But yeah me and Arin are just sitting away loving the time off until I have to go back on tour in January.  Oh and I didn't tell you what happened these last few days! So the college that I was supposed to go to, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, won their first football bowl game in 40 years!

I headed out to New Orleans pretty much the day after Arin came to see me at the lake house.  He had to head back for the remaining few shows, so I got my Ragin Cajuns gear and headed to NOLA (New Orleans).  

As soon as I got to the hotel, I saw most of the band people coming downstairs.  I instantly put my bags down and ran over to meet some of my friends that were in the band.  

"Girl you coming to the game right?!" My friend Ethan asked.  And before you jump to conclusions, he's a little fabulous.  

"You know it! Let me go put my stuff in my room, if I can figure out this crazy elevator, and we all can go out!" I punched in my floor number into the elevator and head up to the 14th floor of the Marriott.  Yes I splurged, but that was only because this was where my parents were also staying and got the room across from them.

I got back down stairs and headed out for the French Market.  I ended up getting most of my Christmas gifts for the girls while I was there then walked along the river walk with the gang.  

"Jami if you touch that water you might get AIDS and plus there is a dead cat floating down there."

"Ooh. Yeah I'm just gonna walk back up then." Sure enough when I just barely get to the river water's edge I saw a dead cat floating in the water.  That was enough to get me out of there, although I did want to poke it with a stick.  What?! I'm weird, I know.

Well after our three hour excursion of the French Quarter and River Walk we headed back over the hotel to get ready for the battle of the bands.  The Pride of Acadiana was competing between the San Diego Marching Aztecs.  This was going to be interesting.

Around 7:30 the battle was over and honestly I don't know who was better.  I mean I gotta give props to SDSU, but the Pride was just a bit better.  But the better part, tonight we were going out on Bourbon St.! This was going to be my first time and I didn't really know what to expect.

As I was getting ready I heard a knock on my door.  I wonder who it could be.  I know that some of the band people were on this floor, but I didn't really know if they knew I was down here too.  Oh well. I got up from the floor where I was doing my makeup and went downstairs to head out and party it up.

Well instead of going drink, me and my friends walked down to Jackson Square and went eat some wonderfully delicious beignets.  And for those of you who don't know what a beignet is, well it's fried dough smothered in powered sugar.  It. is. AMAZING!

So after our beignets we decided to walk the river and just do some nighttime sight seeing being as the group had to be up early for practice the next morning.  Which I didn't mind sinceI was just glad to be on vacation and enjoy my time here.

The next morning I got dressed in my ULL Ragin Cajun gear and was ready for the game of the century.  Ok sure the game wasn't until 8, but hey there were pep rally things and tailgating stuff that was going on! I was ready for some damn football.

Ok so fast forward a couple hours and … WE WON! We beat San Diego State 32-30.  Holy shit it was one of the most nerve racking games that I have ever witnessed in my life.  Seriously if it wasn't for Brett Baer's field goal in the last four seconds, we wouldn't have done it. But oh my god is was AMAZING!! I still can't get over it.  I'm too pumped!

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