Not Your Average Rockstar Ch. 21

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**Arin's POV**

'Come on Jami, wake up. I just need to you open your eyes. I miss your emerald green eyes. I miss hearing your laugh.  I miss your smile. All in all I miss you.' I've been telling myself that for three weeks now. 

"Arin, man why don't you go home for a bit and shower?" Brian said patting my back.

"I don't want to leave her." I said shaking my head.  I continued rubbing circles on her cold pale hands. 

"We'll call you if anything changes, but you need to shower at the least. Get you something to eat too." Matt told me basically pushing me out of the room.

I didn't want to leave the hospital. I had been here since the day of the accident.  Jami had a bleed in her brain from the accident that they had to fix immediately.  The doctors and nurses had reassured all of us that everything was going to be ok, but since she had a previous condition they didn't know if she would pull through this one.

Luckily she had, but right now she's in a coma. It first started out as a medicine induced one, but once they took her off the medicine two weeks ago they didn't know.  God I miss her.

I got home and took a quick shower like everyone wanted me too, but I knew I had to go back to her.  Sure her family and band mates were there, hell even all the Avenged guys were there, but I didn't want to leave her.  I hate seeing her in pain and not like herself.

"There's no change Arin. She'll come to soon though." One of the doctors told me while I was going into her room. 

There she was, hooked up to a ventilator, and unresponsive.  I grabbed the chair that I was previously sitting in, grabbed her hand, and started singing to her.  I didn't care if she heard me or not, but hell I want her to know that I'm here and I'm not leaving.  I love her way too much.

**Jami's POV**

There's something in my throat. There's music.  There's beeping.  What the hell is going on?

"Nurse! Somebody help!" I could hear voices. 

"Arin you need to leave the room. We'll see about her." Arin's here?

I wanted to open my eyes. I want to speak. Hell I wanted to wake up.

"Jami? Jami can you hear me? Jami if you can hear me open your eyes."

I tried. I tried so hard, but it felt like there was something pressing against them preventing me from opening my eyes.  Finally what seemed like forever in a day I barely opened them.

Light. That's all I saw was light. I closed my eyes again in hopes that it would go away. I tried again and the light was gone.

The next thing I know I feel a tube being pulled out of my mouth. As soon as it was out all I wanted to do was gag. God that was horrible. 

"Jami. Jami I need you to open your eyes for me. Come on Jami open your eyes."

I tried my hardest to open my eyes and barely could.  When I did I saw that I was in a room. Where am I?

"That's good Jami, very good." I turned my head and saw a man in a white coat and scrubs.

I'm in the hospital?!

"Jami we need you to relax okay? Everything is fine." I nodded my head and tried to talk.

"What happened?" I tried asking, my voice sounding more dry and raspy than I ever heard it before.

"You were in a car accident with Arin. Don't worry he is fine, you can see him in just a minute okay." I nodded my head while the nurse handed me a cup and straw with some water in it.

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