Not Your Average Rockstar Ch. 10

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The plane landed in Portugal a few hours later.  I didn't want to wake up, but I knew I had to.  I grabbed y bag and headed off the plane.  As soon as I cleared through their customs and security, I saw a sign with my name on it.  But who was holding the sign made all the difference.

I ran towards Arin and embraced him in a hug.  He picked me up off the ground and spun me around.  I hadn't physically seen him in a month and it was just great seeing him!

"I've missed you so much!" He said to me while putting me back on my feet.

"I've miss you too!"I said reaching up and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 

"Aw how cute!" I heard a female voice squeal.  It was Val!  "Happy birthday Jami!" She said whilst giving me a hug.

"Yeah happy birthday Jamie!" I looked and saw all of the Avenged Sevenfold guys walking towards me.  I saw Brian and Zacky each holding a card as they walked up to us. 

I gave them each a hug and opened the cards.  And if you're wondering, yes we still are in the airport.  Brian and Zacky each gave me gift cards to my favorite music store in L.A.  Matt and Val gave me a card as well but it was more of a welcome to the Avenged family/happy birthday card, which really meant a lot to me.

"Your present from me is coming later. Come on you look tired." Arin told me leading me to where they parked the car.  

The ride from the airport to the hotel was quiet to say the least.  I tried my hardest not to fall asleep since the ride was about 20 minutes.  But I stayed strong and didn't.  I took in the scenery and it was Lisbon was such a nice sight to see. 

We got to the hotel a few minutes later and I immediately wanted to go to bed and pass out.  The guys showed where I was sleeping, and no surprise I was with Arin in his room.  Luckily there were two beds so that way it wouldn't be awkward between us.

I put my suitcase down and flopped down on the bed. As I was just starting to fall asleep Arin woke me up.  I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw that it was 2 PM and then turned and faced Arin.

"You can't sleep just yet.  I have to give you your present." Well that perked me up.

"Oooo ok!"  He took my hand and led me outside.

We got outside and started walking along the streets.  "Arin where are going *chuckles*"

"We'll be there in about… now!" I looked and saw that it was a jewelry store.  Oh god I hope he's not proposing! I mean we've been together for a month for Christ's sake!

We walked in and one of the girls behind the counter got a smile as big as Texas on her face once she saw us.  She and Arin talked for a minute while I was looking at the earrings in the cabinet. Hey diamonds are a girl's yes friend even if you're a rockstar.

"Hey Jami can you come here a sec?" I bounced on over to where Arin and the girl worker were smiling.  I looked down and saw that there was a long velvet box laying on the counter.  I looked at Arin and he nodded telling me to open it.

When I opened it up I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was a death bat necklace. He had custom made where the eyes were rubies and on the tip of each wing was a single diamond.  I picked it up and it felt heavy to just be a regular necklace.

"Open it." He whispered in my ear. Huh? What did he mean open it?

I did like he said and I saw that it was a locket.  What was with everyone giving me lockets? Don't get me wrong I love lockets, but I found it ironic that once Nick and I started dating he gave me a locket, and now Arin is too.  I looked at the picture and saw that it was a picture of me and all the guys doing a really funny face at the concert that I did with them.  On the other side was an inscription that said 'Carpe Diem' which meant Seize the Day, which was also my all time favorite song of the band.  

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