Not Your Average Rockstar Ch. 15

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So it's been a few days since the incident with Arin.  As soon as I got back to Louisiana, I got in my car and drove to our lake house.  I just wanted to be away from the world and from people who were surely going to ask questions.  The guys eventually came up to meet me, and to bring alcohol, but honestly I just wanted to be alone.

It was only three days till Christmas and I didn't know if I should just chunk Arin's gift or what. One of his favorite places he told me that he loved to go was Germany.  So while were there on tour I got him a few trinkets from there, plus I got him signed drum sticks from his favorite drummer.  Yeah I know it was really sweet and what not.

"Hey how you holding up?" Dylan asked me bringing me a cup of hot chocolate.  I was sitting in a lounge chair, wrapped up in a blanket, and just looking out on the lake watching the lights of the boats and viewing the Christmas lights that hung from the houses and docks.  

"I just wish he would have believed me you know? He was and still is the best thing for me.  He made me feel things that I didn't with Nick.  With him I can be the crazy dork that I am and not get judged." I said looking that the mini marshmallows in my cup slowly sinking to the bottom.

"Jami I know he feels EXTREMELY bad for what he did.  I mean honestly he keeps trying to text and call you and you just blow him off.  I understand you are hurt and need time.  But when you are ready, we'll all be here for you.  Okay?"  I nodded my head and felt him give me a hug before heading back in.

I spent about another hour outside and didn't even touch my hot cocoa.  I just wasn't in the mood.  I wrapped the blanket around me tighter and started to head back inside when I saw someone sitting at our picnic table.

"You know he's right about everything."  I couldn't believe he was here.  I was trying my best not to run back into his arms but I controlled myself and went sit next to him to hear what he had to say.

"Jami I feel like a complete asshole for thinking what I did.  I know you would never cheat on me.  Hell I think I was just so nervous from the show and nervous about you getting home safe that my brain was just switched off for a minute.  I know that it'll be hard for you to forgive me for what I've done.  But please can you be my girlfriend again?" 

At that point I couldn't help the tears that were escaping.  I nodded my head and leaned over to kiss him.  God I missed those lips. We broke apart a few minutes later and rested our foreheads on each other.

"I'm sorry.  I was a bitch for not answering your calls and texts."

"*lifts my chin* You were hurt because of my asshole move. You had every right to be a bitch." He gave wiped a stray tear that escaped my stupid eyes and brought me to sit on his lap.

"I love you Arin." And honestly I think I do.  I couldn't see him not in my life.

"I love you too Jami.  Come on it's freezing out here let's go warm you up by the fire." He smiled his to die for smile and we walked back inside.

As soon as we walked back inside Dylan and Max have huge grins on their faces whereas Tyler just looked like he missed the circus.  I told the guys that I was going take a shower since I was starting to smell a little bit.

I washed my hair in my favorite shampoo and conditioner, shaved, and washed up.  When I got out the shower, I honestly thought I saw a cloud forming.  Yeah my shower was that hot.  But I felt just so much better. It was like I had washed away the past couple of days down the drain.

I got dressed in my pajamas then headed back out to the living room to see what the guys were up to.  Apparently they busted out Rock Band and made up their own dream team.  I just stood their in the door way watching them have at it.

"You're going down Arin.  Max is beast at drums." I started laughing at what Tyler just said.  

"Sure Ty let's go with that."  I sat down on the couch and watched the battle of the drummers unfold.  

You might be wondering where Brett is in all this madness, well he and his fiancé Emily are busy putting the finishing touches on their wedding that is on January 3.  I can't believe two of my best friends (well technically four) are getting married to their best friends and love of their lives.

I guess I was thinking about how much all of our lives have changed over the years.


"Momma can me and Dylan go to Tyler's house?" I really wanted to go to Tyler's because he just got the new GameCube console.  

"I guess but you guys don't leave each other's side ok?"  We nodded our heads and ran out the door.

Tyler's house was like a block down the street but anyways me and Dylan raced over since it was the day after Christmas.  I got a scooter, but hell running was much more fun right now.

We bust through the door giving Mrs. Tanya a quick hello before running into Tyler's room where everyone else was huddled around the tv. We ended up playing video games for like three hours before taking some sort of break.

"So James I hear you have a little crush at school. Who's the punk we have to beat up?" Ugh and I just grabbed a Coke out the fridge.

"He's name is Stuart.  And no please don't beat him up.  He's got a girlfriend anyway."

"How in the world does a 10 year old boy have a girlfriend?"  Brett.

"How should I know?!" I said shrugging.

The rest of the day we talked about the games, who was liking who, and all that mushy stuff.  I can't wait till I'm older and find my prince charming.

**End of Flashback**

I guess the game was finished because Arin was smirking and Tyler had his mouth hanging open. Seriously do they not realize that Arin is the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold? Come on guys.

"Oh come one guys it was just a game." Dylan said trying to stop the bickering between Max and Tyler that was starting up.

"And what are you laughing at miss?" Arin chuckled sitting next to me.  Uh oh I have a bad feeling about this.

"Just the two dummies playing. Arin? Arin I don't like that look in your eyes. Arin!" And thus he ended leaning over and started tickling me. Seriously!!

Finally about 10 minutes later, and a cat and mouse chase around the house, we ended up in my room.  And no we haven't done anything like what you are probably thinking.  I'm not like every other girl out there.

I started getting really drowsy from the up and downs of the day.  I laid my head on Arin's chest while he started humming a lullaby to me and rubbing my back.  I don't know what I would do without him. He really is the best thing that has happened to me.

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